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Everything posted by Edd_Wiltshire

  1. We dont stand much of a chance in terms of winning. Hopefully we will have some success with some of the younger players and new caps. Still looking forward to it, better than watching Gloucester at the moment anyway!
  2. Yeah, i work in print and design. Unfortunatley the only pics he has a camera phone type quality pictures. If i find a suitable person i will try and get as many pics as i can.
  3. Hi All, Last weekend my friends lurcher was killed in action. Mate is well gutted as he was a great dog and proven over many nights on all quarry. Anyway we though it would be a nice idea to get him a picture of his dog, however the only pictures we have are not ver high resolution to i though it would be good to send some pictures to someone to draw or paint a picture to give to him. Has anyine done this? how much would it cost? what were the results? If anyone has and advice i would rreally appreciate it. Here is Bert. R.I.P Edd
  4. Yeah i also ordered the verticle filament bulb to see what the improved beam pattern is? Also bought a LED Lenser P7 a few weeks ago as a general mooching and do it all tortch. I found the link for the website on here and the tortch has been great, really surprising what it can do. 4 x AAA batteries and ist good enough for lamping in small fields, and the focus system is really handy when getting in the field etc. Site link is LED Lenser P7 Really good guy to speak to, and now comes with a free LED Lenser P3 tortch, annoying! Really good tortch with a great weight and a
  5. I am in wiltshire, just near the border with Gloucestershire, and in last weeks local paper there was literally only a paragraph on the local plod clamping down on hare coursing. What a complete joke, when even a small market town is terrible for drink related violence on a weekend, but they decide to chase people enjoying their hobbies.
  6. F*ck me lads. With all of the anti crap going around the internet, police in all areas talking about targeting hare coursing. Can we not agree on one thing, we all love hunting, but we dont all like the same kind of hunting. Some like ferreting only, some lamping, some daytime(pre ban) and some shooting only. It take all kind of people to make a forum like hunting life. Lets just agree to disagree and there will never ever be a finish to this thread! Pretty sad state of affaris when a thread like this degenerates into a slanging match in less than 2 pages. If i want
  7. Sick of not having a lamp so i have ordered a new Deben lithium ion lamp, my old battery is screwed! Hopefuly it will be worth the money?!?!
  8. Cheers for the link, my old battery is dead as a dodo!!! Got to bite the bullet and buy one of these bad boy lithium ion's. Tis a lot of money, quite annoying that Deben seem to control what people can sell their goods for!
  9. Wrong section mate, you want to be in Dogs or livestock for sale. Still he looks like a real charchter! Good luck with the sale!
  10. They are a con! Is it gold plated for that price!
  11. I am based in wiltshire and there has been 3 cases in the last month of people on the prowl. All i do is call my permission and warn them these people are around, they really appreciate that. Last one was today, kennels just outside the village, guys turned up and tried to distract the woman, luckily she twigged and they left, not sur eif they were after dogs or one of the horseboxes they had there, sad times really.
  12. Not sure about the movie, great book, remember reading that as a kid. Did it have something in it about poabhing pheasants? seem to remember they used cones of paper with currants in, with glue around the edge, voila you can walk up to them once they have had a peck at them!
  13. I havent had a c*nt all night drinkstable!!!
  14. Cracking pics mate, took my blue for a mooch tonight, had an accidental course on a deer which knackerd him out and the deer got to cover thank god! My mums little whippet then bolted a bleeding charlie, luckily that got away, nothing in the bag but finally some wind, nothing worse that these dead calm nights! Bring on the rabbits!
  15. Terrible news for you, must be terrible. Really shows the risk of lamping!
  16. Not that much of a worry where i am, i am more concerned about old fence posts and barbed wire on my permission. I guess the dogs will see it and jump it, hopefully!
  17. Yeah better than nothing i guess. The thing is if there was an easy solution it would have been done. Also just gives people an insight into where dog owners are at most risk.
  18. Just been thinking about this problem. Maybe we could set up just 1 moderator(or a new mod) that people can email and register their dogs as being stolen. The best thing to do is have a template for the forum set up with all of the information about the dog, as many good photos of the dog as possible and also contact details of the owner. This way the mod can keep track of where dogs are going missing, maybe start a Google map page and put markers by all of the places where dogs have gone missing. There must be some kind of pattern for this, something more has to be dont, just
  19. Out for a while last night for the first real time the season, mates deerhound first cross had 4, dante had plenty of runs but fooked them all up, i was a bit angry but he will get straight back into it after a few nights. I blame the lamp operator anyway smudge! Might go out tonight as well, crappy weather here will hopefully last till tonight. and i am off on holiday next weekend so will have to get as much in as i can!
  20. Got to love rain, any kind of rain is better than no rain. We had some lovely rain and supurb wind for an hour last night, then the rain stopped and t he wind dropped and skies cleared, misery!
  21. Not a massive football fan but this videdo of teh goal cracked me up, to commantary! Gol Gol Gol Gol Gol Gol Gol Gol Gol Gol Gol !!!
  22. Sorry Leanne, biy harsh! Good luck with the pup, sure it will be a cracker!
  23. Yeah prices seem to vary quite a bit. Also cod is quite often called cod but is actually some Asian imitation with a different texture and taste, not terrible but far cheaper to buy and not cod! Actually some pretty decent chippie here in Wiltshire, just make sure you go when it’s busy so your fish hasn’t been sat around for hours drying out. Went down to Padstow a while ago, Rick Steins fish shop was good, although when I cam to paying I regretted being such a greedy git, me and the Mrs came to well, well over £20! But he did seem to have a very good collection of young,
  24. F&ck me! The least you can do mate, when asking for advice is try as hard as possible to use the Queens English! Text talk is for romancing young girls in text messages, not on here! As for determining the breeding of a young pup from some crappy out of focus images, clutching at straws comes to mind!
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