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Everything posted by Edd_Wiltshire

  1. If you book them they will come! Lets get a march on then, about time we were heard!
  2. Really bad new for a guy i know. Really into his bull crosses, no my cup of tea but sitll a big dog guy. Sadly had a crash and not very good at all himself at the moment. Really strugglisg to know what to say to people! Just be careful on the roads out there people. one bad decision can wreck lives. Horrible Bad times.
  3. Foggy here in wiltshire too. Quite good that its foggey, dog is lame as anything, can barley walk, slightley worrying
  4. Cheers everyone. Yeah i am tempted to go Jap but do like the idea of having a Landrover! No i am no mechanic but my girlfriends dad is an engineer and her sisters bloke goes offroading in his disco and is a mechanic for renault so is mad keen to fix cars. Going to have a look at one at the weekend in Bristol to see what i can get for my money. Cheers Edd
  5. Hi All, Time has come to get a 4x4. Roads around here are total crap and I would like to be able to drive tracks and across fields. Will just be so much easier for the dogs and gear as well. I have a budget of £4K so was looking at a Discovery. However looking at disco's, the TD5's in my price range are about 100-120 thousand miles, should I stay away from these and go for an earlier disco? Or bite the bullet and go for a TD5? Thing is the Mrs will want to drive it occasionally so a defender for that money wouldn’t be ideal to drive into Bristol in. Any advice would be great. Cheers
  6. Was out on saterday night and my mate parked his van in a gateway(we had permission) and we got a call from his mum who lives up north(his car is till registered there)saying the coppers have rung asking what the van is doing parked there and what were we doing, she said she didnt know but probabley rabbiting. Im glad that our town centres are such nice places to be now and that crime levels are at an all time low so that they are flooding out to the countryside to pester people enjoying sport. Muppets. Fight real crime and use your common sense. What did the twat think was going to happen
  7. Guys I think we need to stick together not argue and bicker. A small minority have used the shortcut of driving vehicles across fields and ruining the sport for others by bringing heat around the sport as a whole. This is blindingly obvious to me but some others out there find in necessary to carry on this way and bring the coppers from underneath their rock and bother us. This means being smart and not taking risks, leaving places untouched and not driving on land without permission. Few on here can say hand on heart they haven’t had a quick shine on the other side of the fence/field so
  8. I was out but only for an hour. Almost shat myself when 2 deer ran out of a copse 10 yards away! Had a few good runs but ended up with a long ear that was shot by my mate. Sods law the wind stopped just before we went out! Anyone else have better luck? Sorry about the bad quality picture.
  9. Hi Dave, Yeah Dante is good. Out tonight for a shine actually, wind has died down a bit but its raining on and off. Take it easy, Edd Here are some pics:
  10. Indeed i have had a warning for mentioning banned game and posting a photo that included them without the correct 'disclaimer'. Then indeed less than a day later I see the same thing that gets through the mods and stays up. I think the key is in peoples thinking, you cannot get bitter with internet forums that is this forums biggest problem. People seem to take on the personality of a complete tw*t on the forum, and i bet that most of the time they are alright people down the pub. There is so much good on the forum, to cast it aside for the sake of the annoying minority would be cr
  11. Get rid of both of the puppies, that way they might stand a chance! Poor little buggers. When you go and buy a new TV, do you buy 2 just to find out which one suits you? Mental.
  12. Fair play, will donate later today. got to give something back i guess!
  13. Yeah they are awesome animals, I was walking the dog one lunchtime in the summer and heard a rustling in the bush, stopped dead still and something moved a meter up an old oak tree in the ivy, then a little stoat popped its head out, stared at me for about 45 seconds then shot off. Admittedly i didn’t see it hunt but really makes my day when you see one. I kind of wish the footage was shot from a greater distance away, didnt think the zoomed in camera style suited the chase but still great. Anyone know of any tame stoats!!!
  14. Great pics once again dave. Fair play caled has a bloody strong chest. Whats the weather like up there at the moment?
  15. I have an 18 month old Whippet and he is game as anything. As for shivering, quivering little dogs it makes me laugh. I think this stereotype comes from posh old ladies who keep a whippet indoors all day long, then when she goes out the thing shivers! Top dogs, got another on the way. Still on the look out for the right lurcher as well!
  16. Great pics, thats a big deer! Should be some good eating! Looks like a clean cut so should heal well. Trouble is with game dogs, they will work through cuts just to carry on hunting! crazy little buggers!
  17. Sad to hear, must be terrible. Must admit it made me worry when my whippet smacked into a cross country jump. Hope you feel better and get out there ASAP. Take it easy Edd
  18. Love those blue Merles. They look as mad as a box of frogs!
  19. Sadly i think this kind of thing is not confined to 'Big Cities' Smaller towns are now gaining gangs of morons strutting around with some aggressively brought up dogs yet again not on a lead. Really grinds my gears but what can you do? Makes me mad! Lots of exposure on TV as well about this sort of thing. Again reinforcing the stereotype of all people who own these kinds of dogs, be them genuine dog people or scared little chavs who need something to make them look hard instead of getting down the gym! Easier to buy a dog than do some hard work!
  20. Out last thursday with the whippet and spotted 8-10 squatters in the middle of a field. Trouble is the field has 5-6 cross country jumps around the outside, rush of blood to the head, slipped the dog, good chase, bloody dog should of struck it twice but he was happy running, then wallop and yelp. He came back, checked him briefly and he seemed fine. Anyway got back to the car and noticed his eye and nose was bleeding and he was covered in green stuff around his neck. Get him home and he must of hammered into the cross country jump so hard that the mould rubbed off, cut his eye and neck
  21. Sometimes its better to let people get away with ripping you off, just to get them out of your life.
  22. Edd_Wiltshire


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  23. Hi, best off speaking to one of your blokes mates who will know ehat he is after. He might also go to the gun shop with you as well, try and get a good price. So many guns around with varying spec, scopes, triggers etc that it can leave you in a spin! All the best Edd
  24. Hi All, Just a quick shout out to any west country folk. Jim Jeffries is playing at Komedia in bath on wednesday night. £12.50 a ticket, should be a good laugh. Komedia Ticket Link Vid here: Comedy Vid Take it easy Edd
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