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Everything posted by Edd_Wiltshire

  1. I do get on my soapbox a little too easily and sometimes rant! Bus something that does grate a little is that when you question something, or have a view on something that is against the grain, people say your an anti! Far from it.
  2. Read my f*cking lips, I am not against you shooting birds of prey. Read my f*cking lips, I am not against you shooting birds of prey. Read my f*cking lips, I am not against you shooting birds of prey. Got it yet? What I am against is people on here who have nothing at all to do with shoots who will shoot them for a laugh or because they snatch puppy’s, not protecting their birds. What this report shows is that they kill more than foxes, and also habitat where birds are released also has a lot to do with young bird’s survival rates. I see the shooting world as a mixture of pe
  3. When the f**k did i ever disagree on a badger cull or running deer? Wouldnt have a bull breed but i dont really have a use for one. F*ck me open season on bullshit. I dont disagree with shooting birds of prey, read my post above.
  4. Ni not at all, what i am saying is that it doesnt give every slack jawed twat the right to go round shooting them on site, population control is the key, as it is to all animals considered pests by some and beautiful wild animals by others. Nice ignorance attitude that mate, didnt read it, didnt want to possibly find anything out. Fair enough. The paper doesnt claim they dont kill any at all, but keep on ignoring everything you want.
  5. My heart bleeds for those poor shoots, dont take the piss. You lay that many birds down and you will lose a lot to raptors, next you will ask the hundreds of drivers who smash into stray birds on my local roads to pay for them! Shoots may be a little different your way mate but here they are playthings for the extremely rich so common sense may not be involved. Have a read: Some stats from a study.
  6. Has he gone to the press? may be an ideal time to do it. Scummy government has no idea. even after wake up call after wake up call.
  7. This was always going to happen. Where i live the boom in raptor population has more to do with the lazy local shoots who lay down thousands of ducks, pheasant and partridges on land that is too small with insufficent cover and then piss and moan when a small percentage are nabbed. More are killed on the bloody roads than are eaten by birds of prey. You can also see it coming, shoot on site you say? im sure the lads on the falconry section of the site will be really happy with you blasting their pride and joy out of the air! Nice.
  8. Yep, going to give this one a miss I think. Have read about it today and think I can imagine what the videos are like. Don’t think I will gain anything by watching it. Hope their souls will be tormented in hell for all of eternity.
  9. Yeah too true, may do a little bit of fishing over the summer, did a bit as a lad and enjoy it. Also going to pop over to wales and do a bit of kayaking to calm my aggressive streak! I will do a sample one this weekend and post it up, if people like it i will do a different one every few months.
  10. 69 views and no comments, f*ck you then! Offer to do something for free and get no replies. Bitch about other people and act like a keyboard hardnut and the thread gets 20 pages! i give up.
  11. Dont think any companies will insure a working dog mate. If your dog sutains an injury from working, say a nasty gash from barbded wire or broken leg then its the insurance company together with the vet who have to prove its from working. If they can tell if a dog has broken its leg from normal running or from a working run then i would be bloody surprised!
  12. Hence you dont tell them its a working dog mate, they wouldnt touch you with a bargepole if you do.
  13. Hi All, As the close season is kind of here i was thinking of doing a hunting life screensaver. Idea would be to email me pictures that you have taken that would be processed(size ammended to fit screensaver, text added and a hunting life logo watermark added) then posted up to the forum for everyone to download. Text i would add is maybe the dogs name and brief description. Any thoughts? Take it easy Edd
  14. Cracking looking bitch that. I have just got a V8 so cant afford to eat let alone buy another dog! Good luck with the sale.
  15. Hey All, Tuesday night i finished work about 6 so I took my whippet, my whippet pup and my mum’s whippet for a walk down the fossway. Anyway 20 minutes in and my pup is having some retrieving fun with a tennis ball when my mums dog shoots through a hedge, I walk round to see why and see 4 roe p*ssing along the length of this field followed by her, she is only about 18 inchs to the shoulder but fast as fook so just hoped she wouldn’t get anywhere near as she would of got hurt. So i got mine on their leads and ran over to the cover that they went to and it was next to a little lane,
  16. This was always going to happen, smug tw*t will get whats coming to him one day. Hopefully someone will poke his f*cking eyes out if he cant see someone in front of him.
  17. Hi All, Really bored here at work so thought i would post this. Was out walking the dogs on the common and was asked by a couple if they could take some snaps of the dogs, i said yeah if they stood still for long enough. Anyway she emailed me some of the pics to look at, some not bad ones. Their website if ka9photo Take it easy Edd
  18. When people are taking 10+ hares in a daytime with their dogs it doesnt matter what happens with the 'sport', this must be unsustainable for the hares in that area? Pre-ban, where there many farmers who would charge for you to course their land?
  19. 'the hare dont know where to go its unsporting.' Mate seriously think about what you are saying, i though this forum was about us sticking together, so snareing, digging, ferreting and shooting are all unsporting, but it gets the job done, if we start bitching amongst each other then we may as well give up now!
  20. Again that is a sweeping statement jack. Much like any other game, having 3 on the lamp doesnt give you cant neccecerily say all daytime hares were easy! If your dog has a passport does that give you the right to travel anywhere in the eu? Yeah a bit harsh on the dog to fly him all over, but if there where top coursing area in spain etc, you could have a good road trip!
  21. Daytime course round are way and you will be picked up by the fuzz, lose your car and your dogs!!! Too much heat to seek the daytime route. does anyone travel to other countries to course? Would be good if anyone did travel that far to work their dogs legally?
  22. Hi All, Just wondering what everyone considers as the end of the season? Many thanks Edd
  23. Caebonc was that last post for real? Has to be the most stupid way of attempting to train a dog i have ever heard. Whatever you do mate, ignore what Caebonc has just said. I walked mine on a lead through a field of sheep and repremand when needed.
  24. Can one of the mods please close this post ASAP. Before this thread i wanted a saluki and this is not bloody helping!!!
  25. Yep its about time vigilante mobs started being assembled. Society has gone way too far, and you cannot rely on the police at all, whatsoever. F*cking scum need to be taught a lesson. Hopefully someone up there greases the palms of the right person and they find who did this, maybe t hey could arrange some stocks for them to put in and let everyone know where it is. Sad.
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