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Everything posted by Edd_Wiltshire

  1. Its Brian Mays funded campaign. Pathetic twat that should be hunted himself.
  2. Fortunately they don’t have and never will have enough support to ever achieve anything politically. Nice idea that voting for the BNP will help but in reality Griffin & Co are a laughing stock and his speaking is poor is riddled with faults and poor in the extreme.
  3. Its nothing to do with the paper, advertising has taken a massive hit in the financial turbulance of late, so the papers are really keen to get in any advertising let alone a full page! We just have to ignore it and hope everyone else does!
  4. He is at it again. Doogooding anti may. Really, really annoys me as i could of driven down had i known and given him facts!
  5. Yeah it is a pain in the arse, literally at times! Always remember coming home one day when I was young after a trip out somewhere and one of my mums cats had jumped up to a fence post, must of slipped and get tangled in the barbed wire, must of been hanging their for hours, luckily it was ok afterwards apart from the cuts. It did annoy me slightly as the field had never been used for livestock but its up to the farmer at the end of the day, by using barbed wire you cover yourself for using that field for livestock in future thus saving money. Still doesnt stop it being a pain.
  6. Hey All, Political debate on in Bristol tonight, anyone meeting to put on a Pro hunting demo? No doubt the anti's will be out in force.
  7. Anyone else see this in the mail today? Top guitarist but as far as I am concerned he is a prick of the highest order, he was the one who founded those stupid save me fox billboards. He is so deluded is almost comical! May the twit on his soapbox.
  8. Great looking dogs mate. Word of warning, never post pics of your number plates, never know who might be using the forum!
  9. Fine, vote labour or lib dem, see how much of damn they give about the countryside. Served in the Guld War and Iraq, plenty more deserving hate figures in my opinion. True he may have some expensive stapler tastes but every single politician will have some dodgey looking expense claims if you look hard enough.
  10. It is indeed difficult to get permission, I know many farmers around here well and they don’t like dogs being run on their land full stop, this could be down to past experience with poachers, them believeing that it will scare game/birds away, or the land already being looked after by a keeper (most are around here) or the simple fact that its a lot easier to say no than yes! I think your best bet is to get some ferrets and ask to ferret the land first, more often than not they will say yes, give it some time build the trust and then ask to lamp the land with your dog. Also go along wit
  11. Yeah, makes me laugh! Morons. Noticed on my facebook, some people i work with have joined the facebook group for this. Most people couldnt give a damn either way.
  12. I would take that down pronto mate, not difficult to find you from this! Still funny!
  13. What wheels do you have in somerset mate?
  14. Pointless thread with some equally pointless posts.
  15. That is a fantastic pic, was it your dog?
  16. Crazy heat at the moment for coursing folk then, crime rates around central oxford must be at an all time low then, police are so deluded, makes my blood boil. Young lads must join up thinking they are going to change the country, make people feel safe and catch criminals making the country a better place to live in. What do they do, drive around the countryside looking for people chasing animals with dogs, all for an easy arrest. Pathetic.
  17. Yeah supposedly been cars around my way looking at people walking dogs, after a few have been stolen people are a bit wary now. I tell folk if they think someone is checking them out with their dogs whilst walking, dont walk straight home, get someone to pick you up asap. At least that way the scum wont know ehere you live, how can these people live with themselves.
  18. Was walking my whippets in the arboretum near me today, they were loving the brief bits of sunshine and having a really good run round, was walking back to the car when i heard a really loud screaming, walked over and a bloke was holding a Muntjac down that was screaming blue murder. Walked over and the guy went mad telling me to keep my dogs back, they werent too bothered as it wasnt running anywhere, and i think the Muntjac was more worried about the 14 stone twat holding it down rather than my dogs. The bloke with him said it was a springer that attacked it and its leg was really b
  19. Great to see this thread, looking to get into fly fishing myself this summer, as not running the dogs will drive me mental!
  20. My Brother lives out in Pensylvania in the states, on a downhill stretch of road into the shopping district they park up a spare police car and put inflatable 'dummies' in the front seats to fool people. Must admit i hit the brakes quite a few times befor realising, then quite a few times after when it was really early in the morning!!! Over here they might want to spend the cash educating the coppers they do have on how to do their job.
  21. Nothing surprises me these days. Unfortunatley a lot of the population think that this is newspapers senstionalising these gang problems. About time there were some vigilante groups formed. You cannot rely on the police to do anything about anything. I for one am glad i live in the countryside thats for sure! Take things for granted living in beautiful surroundings but stories like this bring it home that there are some evel evil people in this country with no respect for life.
  22. Terrible news man. Can’t imagine what your feeling. Rest in Peace
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