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Everything posted by Edd_Wiltshire

  1. Not sure you quite understood, I got my tyres slashed as he thought it was me! It wasn’t me so and I had to fork out for new tyres. Hence why I went straight to the RSPCA, and hence it was gone within a month, hopefully to someone who isn’t a c*ck. Grass I certainly am not. Nor do I suffer lazy fools like him. Amazing how fully grown, totally mobile adults with no job, still don’t have time to walk dogs, beggar’s belief!
  2. because he is a jelouse c**t who regrets having a family. unfortunatley the government just seem to love funding people like thats lifestyle.
  3. Anyone??? just desperate to get out of the house really, and my ferrets are keen too!
  4. I jumped straigh on the phone, strangley enough when he had been reported for no car insurance, and working whilst on the dole he thought it was me(which it wasnt!) so 2 of my car tyres suddenly felt the need to deflate. So no, i didnt knock on his door and ask him why he was mistreating his dog.
  5. Fair play there are lots of good points here and I have definitely learnt a lot. As for the dog howling constantly not being a welfare issue that’s where me and you differ then. A working dog living outside in a kennel is something we all understand and that is fine, but a young golden lab, in the garden of what can only be described as a workshy scumbag for 98% of the day with NO SHELTER in the depths of winter, surrounded in its own shite, is surely worthy of an RSPCA call. We all have our views on organisations like this, at the end of the day we have to stick by these views.
  6. Yeah from what i have heard it’s a mixed bag with the RSPCA. My experience has been good; one of the houses near me had a young lab which he kept outside with no shelter about 23 hours of the day it seems. This was last winter and it was dreadful rain and bitter cold, anyway after hearing the dog keep howling i phoned the RCPCA and the next day they paid them a visit, not sure if i was the only caller, or that they really gave them a bollocking but about a month later the dog went somewhere else as the guy said "they couldn’t handle it", and “didn’t have time to walk itâ€.
  7. Ahh but i do, should of mentioned it really! I have 2 farms close to me and someone told me of another place that is really keen for someone to sort their rabbit problem. So if anyone is near enough? I do understand people not letting strangers onto their own permission!
  8. Hi All, I am new to ferreting, been out in the past when I was younger a few times but now i have my own young ferrets and would love to go out with them and my whippet when he is old enough. The thing is I would love to go out ferreting with someone to get some tips and tricks and ultimately some confidence for when I go on my own. I am in the Wiltshire are near Malmesbury and just across the Gloucestershire border from Tetbury. Just really keen to get out there! Take it easy Edd
  9. Hi All, Just wanted to know if anyone knows of any country sports shops in wiltshire, or within a reasonable drive. I am looking to buy a ferret finder and some other things, and also a place that does good quality jackets and other clothing would be good. Also any advice for good websites to order good from would be very helpful. Cheers Edd
  10. I am about 6'3 so can reach down but i am going to put a door in one of the panels at the front as well, just didnt quite have enough timber to do it, and i live 15 miles away from the nearest place so i couldn't be arsed to go all the way back. Cleaning i can do without the door but if i get a door the mrs could use it as a summer house as she is knee high to a munchkin!
  11. YEah i will be putting a latch on and some handles to lift it with, also putting some struts in so that when the lid is lifted you can secure it up, as it weighs a bloody ton and that coming down on your noggin would knock you out thats for sure. I think its probably over engineered but the timber that is narrower wont take many screws or U tacks so this was the best choice, think it was just over 2 inches by 2 inches. ANyone know anywhere to get good tubing? Don't want to have to buy 20 meters of it if i wont be using it all!
  12. Hi All, Up until now i have kept my 2 ferrets in a rabbit hutch, which is not ideal as they dont have much room to wonder around and they end up trying to murder each other! So this weekend i decided to build a large run area, and put the Hutch on top and a tube down to the run. The run is now finished but i havent bought any tubing yet so i have just lifted their hutch into the run so they can chill out, have a wonder around and still jump back into their bed. It took me and a mate 2 afternoons and cost about £100(thats treated timber, screws, hinges, nails etc) which is pret
  13. Nah its the avon just outside my hometown of Sherston, Wiltshire. Luckily i get to walk him along there at lunchtimes as i work a mile outside the village. Little bugger is finally getting the point of bringing the ball back to me, 6 retrieves on the spin this lunchtime.
  14. Hi All, Just wanted to give a bit of an update from my Whippet pup Dante. He is about 20 weeks old now and lately he has found out that he can run! When he wants too he puts the afterburner on and he is gone, especially in long grass, he loves to run! Anyway i was walking along a river bank that is at the bottom of a steep hill with shed loads of warrens, suddenly i hear a bit of movement in the hedge by the river bank and i though it was a duck or a crow messing around, when suddenly a large rabbit hops out and Dante is gone, unfortunately the rabbit easily made it to a mass
  15. Hey All, Yep i will be going and takeing my young whippet with me for a mooch around as its a nice show. Does anyone know if there will be any classes i can put him into, he is KC Reg Blue whippet, 17 weeks old and pretty as a picture. Not sure if they have any puppy classes or if they are all for lurchers? Hope the weather holds back as it makes show so much nicer! Take it easy Edd
  16. Hey All. Not what i am after but for free it could be ideal for someone! Take it easy Edd
  17. Hi All, Quite a new member to the board, and have a question. Was walking my young whippet Dante today on some excellent land that many dog walkers use. I was walking through field after field and when I was halfway through a field I noticed that someone was actually doing up a dilapidated old house at the bottom of the field near the road. I looked to see if I could continue on and it was clearly a horse field the other side and I couldn’t really get through with the dog so I turned round to retrace my steps and take another route. This is when I hear someone calling me and
  18. Indeed i would imagine anyone with experience within the breed will get it straight away, but this page does demonstrate how difficult it is to determine the breed, especially when you consider all of these pictures are pedigree dogs, if you were to put up some pictures of crossed dogs then it will be even more difficult for the non Pitbull person!
  19. Hi All, Came across this on another forum, hope it hasnt been posted before! Quite tricky i found, but then again i am no dog expert. Find the Pitbull! Take it easy Edd
  20. Hey All. I get my supplements from www.myprotein.co.uk This is a good place as they have awesome creatine, whey protein and also good pre workout drink mix's, try the Pulse!!! If you use this code you can get a 5% saving on your first order: MP33334 They also have a very good forum with loads of good training tips and advice on supplements. Tell them what you currently buy and they will give you the myprotein equivalent, which will more often than not be better as well! They are one of the best on price as well as they do not spend millions of publicity etc. Try it!
  21. awesome looking dogs. These kind of posts should be banned, the temptaion is immense!!! Promised myself i would never look at this thread again!
  22. Hi All, New here so i will tread carefully! I have a whippet but as far as i am concerned all dog owners are in the same boat really. I don’t think posting pics of your dogs will put you at risk; just don’t tell people where you live. If they can link your address to your dogs then you are putting yourself at risk big time. These thieves need to be caught out and taught a lesson that’s for sure. If someone was a suspected thief then maybe try and organise a trap and sort it out that way. Walking dogs just at night may be suitable for some people but for others itâ
  23. Hi All, I have a lovely young whippet pup and need some training materials after I was given a scare today. Was out at lunch giving him a walk and let him off the lead in a field with a gate. Anyway 15 minutes later after he had run around, rolled in fox sh*te he came back to me, i then went to put the lead on and he just bolted. He went towards the gate and underneath it, then all the way down a track, left down the pavement and all the way back to my house, this is with me in close pursuit calling his name and for him to stop!!! Talk about relieved that he wasn’t r
  24. Hi All, Yeah i am going to work him as much as i can. I also have 2 young ferrets as well. Decided to make the most of the surrounding countryside as my girlfriend keeps getting more horses!!! Got a few permissions and hopefully will get some more nearer the time. Yeah he is starting to speed up a lot and he seems to grow visibly during the day! He is just over 10 weeks old now. Have a good weekend! Edd
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