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Everything posted by Edd_Wiltshire

  1. Hi All, Just an update on my youngster Dante. After getting his first rabbit just before new years eve, then his first Hare retrieval a week after, we finally had some softer ground and so we hit the fields this week. Monday i went out with a friend and much to my annoyance my lamp failed(Lightforce cruddy wiring!!!) so we stopped catching nothing. Then fixed the problem and went out Tuesday on my tod, the moon was huge and there was no wind but we still managed 2 which I was more than happy with, mainly due to the fact that he was running a lot smarter, running out of the beam
  2. Yep p*ss poor quality for the price you pay, makes me wonder where the money is going when you buy one, certainly not on arobust product thats for sure! At the price you pay it shouldnt be a lottery when you switch the lamp on!
  3. Yeah I watched most of it, not a bad idea for a program but the casting of the 2 chefs was poor. They were hard to understand (although 1 had suffered from Parkinson’s so had an excuse) they both seemed to give me the impression that they were removed from the normal world. At one point I thought that the program was a comedy/setup program, 2 stranger chefs surely could not be found! Its was amusing at times but proved nothing and I also learnt nothing form it either, channel 4 you must do better. The rat catching scene was a strange one, did they honestly think they only caught
  4. I have met him loads of times and although he was a bit of a sh*t he is/was young, privileged and quite removed from our working lives. He has made plenty of mistakes and I am sure he will make plenty more. What i would ask the MOD is why would someone who will obviously draw attention to his regiment, with a B in Art and a D in geography A level make a good Officer in the Army? Quite pathetic when the MOD had no intention of him ever doing a full tour. Quite funny as well, how much are the MOD spending on William to become a pilot? How long will he serve? Anyway there are
  5. I too will be out for a mooch tonight with the lamp, cant wait, its been weeks since the ground has been ok to run my whippet on, i am dam sure going to take advantage of rain and wind, it actually feels quite balmy this weather, driving rain and wind, mental!!! Good luck everyone!
  6. Hey folks, Sorry for the late reply. Yeah the fox's are a bit of a pain in the arse but my permission doesn’t include Fox's. We are on Beaufort hunt country and I am friends with the farmers and the hunt staff so it just wouldn’t be worth it! Dante even managed to flush a Hare for the gun the other day, I would post up a picture but that other crazy thread has put me off posting pics! I am not sure of Dante’s breeding exactly, he is KC reregistered, David can you enlighten me on his breeding? Makes me sound like a cretin but I would rather be sure than spout off s
  7. Ali is now set for life!!! Heard some crazy comments in my time but that one has to be a wind up! Guy cant even dress himself let alone make the most of his money. It was a good program, gave a good insight into what a brainwashed guy Ali actually was, apart from most footballers stating him as their hero, he did have an awesome talent, but am i the only one who gets annoyed hearing him speak in the old interviews! God that would of driven me mad had i been Frazier. Was good to see that interview errupt as well, sod stepping in to break those 2 up!!! Still boxing then was an a
  8. The cream bitch sky is an awesome looking dog, crikey i am glad i am skint, if i had any money i would have about 10 dogs!!!
  9. Yeah the ground was fine as we went out early before it really got too hard again. He is a hardy little bugger and so game when we are out. i dont take him out too often as i dont want him to burn out or hurt himself, went last night which was the best night so far, despite seeing so many foxes we became sick of the sight of them. Just about timed it to perfection, just as the cloud cover went away and the moon was on show and the ground was hardening, we were all done, top night!!! Wish i had taken a camera really as there were some epic courses, could of thrown my cap on a few of
  10. I wouldnt bother with the subaru diesel, apparently well shoddy and worth staying away from. I am surprised by the latest shape, 2 litre legacy's prices, you can get a lot of car for under 4 grand, not that i have 4 grand burning a hole in my pocket.
  11. Hi Dave, I have put some pics of Dante up on the Runing Dog area here: Dante's first catch!!! I am really tempted by these but i must resist! Bloody skint as it is! Take it easy Edd
  12. Hi All. My 7 month old Whippet Dante, caught his first rabbit on the lamp the 30th of December. It was pretty chilly and we went out early to avoid the really hard ground. Within the first 10 minutes my mate slipped his Lurcher and she chased and caught. Then onto the next field and I slipped Dante, he seemed to of gone off in the other direction away from the lamp but then lopped back round and was right onto it, seemed to last for ages, i even thought he had lost it but I nabbed it right before the hedge. I ran over and it was dead on arrival. Just a brilliant moment,
  13. I have been at the Beaufort Hunt Boxing Day meet for years now and it a great day, really good family atmosphere, and enough port to fill 3 Olympic size swimming pools! This year their were hundreds their as usual, despite the bitter cold. On the downside it means the roads are full of cretins just parking in the middle of the road to open their sunroofs to gawp out hoping to see something, I have a tip for you...get a bleeding horse, get off your arse and get out their. Really annoying!
  14. He is a top man, Dante my blue whippet from another litter is a strong pup and is growing up quickly. Wish i had room for another, maybe i do!?!?
  15. That sucks. When you say you have your superstitions, do you have any info that may be of use to other wiltshirites? I simply cannot understand people stealing ferrets, people pretty much give them away, all i can think is its lazy greedy people who cant be arsed to rear there own, sad sad people. I hope they get whats coming to them!
  16. I was passing through Nailsworth, Gloucestershire on Sunday on the way to take my dog for a run and walked past the butcher, £5.99 a kilo for rabbit and I had to steady myself when i saw the sign for a brace of pheasants for wait for it.....£10.99!!! Crikey oh riley, the amount of birds that get disposed of from all of the local shoots, I know this is an affluent area but are there people who would pay this?
  17. This is my hutch for my ferrets. Me and a mate did it one weekend, great laugh and pretty much bombproof!
  18. Any excuse to post pics of puppies! Here is my blue Dante! He is older now but suck a funny puppy,
  19. Hi, I am from around the brostol area, well on the wiltshire border with gloucestershire anyway. About 20 minutes from bath and 25 from Bristol. Pretty small village. I have 2 ferrets and a 6 month old whippet and am getting out as much as i can, some permission but i know so many farmers around here hopefully after a few calls i will have lots more. The whippets too young but i cant wait to get out with him at night as well. If anyone fancies some ferreting then just mail me. Take it easy Edd
  20. Hi, Thanks for the reply. They are 10oz heavey duty Nylon nets, 4ft is the size that i have but they also do 1 metre size. I bought 20 of these and along with 20 wooden pegs and Postage and packing it was a couple of pence over £50. I guess thats the going rate for nylon, around £2.50 each with peg. I am happy with them but they are large but again that will help with the larger holes and shouldnt be too much of a problem with the smaller ones. Actually going out in the moring, only for the second time so i will use them then, cant wait! Cheers Edd
  21. Hi All, Just bought some nets from KP & S nets advertised in Countrymens Weekly. I have previously used borrowed nets so these are my first bought ones. I ordered 4ft nets and they just seem massive!!! My borrowed ones must of been tiny sized, are these 4 foot ones suitable for rabbits, it just looks like i could catch a bloody hippo with them! The only smaller ones they had were 1 meter so they cant be much smaller. If they are cool to use with rabbits then thats great. Cheers Edd
  22. Hi All, I bought a lightforce lamp off a gamekeeper friend and i have no idea what model it is, think it may be a striker of some soughts. Is there a model number anywhere? Also i have been using it a lot over the last week and last night it seems to of developed a loose connection somewhere, is there a weak point on these where i should check? nothing more annoying than having the keep the lamp at a certain angle or it all goes dark!!! Any advice would be awesome, cheers. Edd
  23. Hi Folks, Just a quick question about the Mk1 collar. Doesn’t seem to work with the batteries that I have. I have borrowed one and all i can say is that has definitely been used. Box has been bitten by a dog but looking at it inside, the electrics seem to be fine. The collar however is a bit dubious, where you unscrew it and the battery sits, there is no bit of flat metal at the end of the screw out section, so through the hole you can see the battery visible, is this correct? Or should there be a little 'coin like' bit of metal to make the connection? Any other advic
  24. Crikey that is a happy looking dog, bet he is getting all his exercise with a smile like that on his face! Cool Pic. Edd
  25. They did not get their hands on it, it was given to a local Kennels a few miles away who specialise in rehoming animals. woman is a saint who has saved 100's of dogs lives. As for the tyres thing, he is the only real a**hole in my small close. It was definitley him. He cannot actually look after his kids properly, why do people like that get dogs? Fact is i dont activly support the RSPCA, i shoot and hunt, my girlfriend hunts BUT we also dont like to see animals suffer at the hands of sh*gwits. If you are telling me i had no right to call them out then thats fair enough, but
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