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Everything posted by slips

  1. well ive got given a 3 year old cocker bitch yesterday which is the auntie to the pup i bred and this dog was triained by one of the gundog men at the shoot i beat on. and he offer a good sum of money and a bitch already trained for this bitch .and he could of sold her a dozen times moneys not his ruler but a good home for a dog is. theres plently of crossed up dogs out there that could the same job or even better may be then a ped cocker/springer there still askin 250/300 for them its what you want on the end of the lead. your eyes ya guide and ya pocket the limit
  2. With all due respect you fully know what I mean by being honest Tuzo - have you been reading your Poultry Club of Great Britain standards book again? I don't think that imposing a single physical standard on a performance breed or type is productive in keeping the performance breeds alive. A performance breed whether it be chickens, dogs, or whatever is selected on winning individuals in it's ancestry. Winning birds, I think by imposing one umbrella physical standard for a breed would be detrimental in maintaining the reason for the breeds existence. In the case of gamefowl, it's performance.
  3. what line of asil do you cross with your shamos.and was the mother to stag a asil hen
  4. nice bird the only fault is his duck feet
  5. millythe terrier if its not for the likes of you were would people go and get birds........ crack on boy some one got to do it ho and by the way a photo put up to show what your selling helps rings a bell lol and if you come across pure black shamo hens with yellow legs and beaks and a good clear eye with black line going all the way round the eye lid let me know as im after some cheers
  6. i got two good spud guns and half a sack of king edwards if ya in to them
  7. they dont come much better then that tops
  8. by 18 month is eye should go clear nice stag
  9. the small one a lamping dog the cream one its the sort you use to see left in the fields at newmarket but if they injoyin there self what the f..k they feed em and clean the shit up
  10. it would have to be a good hen for me to do that, or the ferrets would be munching on that prolapse how do they perform in laying terms after suffering one? i know sheep are prone to it a lot even after its been stitched up. you dirty litle barstard leave em alone lol
  11. good advice skycat when you use a good bone man for years you get to know a lot more to do with injurys. how you can think because the dog leg looks the proplem it could be trapped nerves in the spine and its easyer for a dog to carry his leg to ease pain the list can go on.a classic one was a mate add a dog that could'nt jump in the back of a van told him for ages to get to the bone man anyway i took it one day for him with mine all was needed was its back lined up and clicked in and the magic pen to release the traped nerves in the spine. soon as it was done the dog jumped in the van like th
  12. or it could be a yeast infection if so give some natraul yogate mash in bread with her food for a week
  13. i chop ya a taiwan cock and hen and im not a greedy man lol your not a greedy man your a funny man tho you still got ya birds
  14. i chop ya a taiwan cock and hen and im not a greedy man lol
  15. how much you askin and is it rifle or carbine 177 or 22 or 20
  16. i think you mean poulcat or poule if you are french. were not french and thats easy understandin if you dont know so tell why there call ferrets then yeah it's that easy understanding you got the name wrong. lol well it got the know alls putting there two pennth worth in its like fishing put a bait there and some ole bloaters come in so whats a looja then and its not french sluts (sorry i meant slips) your bang on, as it's quite clear that you do know it all, i would say a looja is probably some slang for something up your way. no christmas cards this year you blown it pal no ha
  17. i think you mean poulcat or poule if you are french. were not french and thats easy understandin if you dont know so tell why there call ferrets then yeah it's that easy understanding you got the name wrong. lol well it got the know alls putting there two pennth worth in its like fishing put a bait there and some ole bloaters come in so whats a looja then and its not french
  18. From the Latin Furritus meaning "little thief" that latin not french whats the french meaning The term "ferret" is taken from Latin so it doesn't matter what the French meaning is. You said "so tell why there call ferrets" (sic), I answered your question. well done tug they call em fitjits cos they dont stay still f*****g french
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