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Everything posted by slips

  1. very nice bird looks like koyarma type
  2. they got a nice mean look in there eye nice younsters. tops
  3. wont go far wrong what bird dogs said and its 16 weeks from start to finsh befor a bitch is back to normal they start to carry milk and lose pace THEY CALL IT THE FLAT STOP the biggist injury a bitch will av
  4. sooner it get off its arse and works the better lol and what makes diffrent. a name determs if its a pet or worker my ole bitch gets called murgh which means chicken and she is lol
  5. try this garlic chicken tikka balti danzak with freash green chillys chopped fine mushroom rice creamy garlic mushrooms ho starters chicken chat purree with freash green choped chillys and 6 pints of ice cold cobra takes some beatin
  6. never seen blue shamo egg are they a new type be intresting to see the off spring
  7. i add a good catch yesterday with quick set nets i set them out i the front garden well three gardens and i thought to my self these arnt for me. me mate turned up and frist thing he said was you wont av them long carryin that bastic about poles stickin out its not you. well we went in add a cuppa when a other mate turn up shakin is head more less sayin the same me bro rings only lives round the corner so up we gets a goes round while round there me phone goes it a another mate how much them nets in ya front garden i said there new make me a offer.got 90 quid he said i told him put the money i
  8. any photos of him and what lines is he from
  9. larnce it at the bottom push all the shit out then with steril fulid wash it out then keep her clean try to keep it open for a few days so it dont reacur also give antibotic a jab of pen/strep is good or capsules
  10. hope it all goes well for ya peter.all i can add is this i do beatin on a shoot were theres some good folk who do the picking up with there cockers/springers .at lunch i go and av a chat to the lads and pick there brains on helpful tips about training and hunting with me cocker as ive not add them before and askin them seem the way forward as there good lads. there first thing they say is baic train stop and come to the whisle then take em out and let hunt and av there head when there hittin cover hard thats the time to pull em in and do there training. ive took this approach and mine was en
  11. somene was pleased to see that lot go i bet plus you beat the mixy
  12. get to the army store they sort ya out
  13. soak the food i water if that bad KEEP IT RAW
  14. or better still use drinker for chickens they can av a good lap at the water in hot wether no problem cleaning them
  15. no good with the pages glued together ... sorry was your in a state stig you will deal in seedy gear
  16. LOL have you seen the fukcing size of duckwing LOL .......... what is tiny feet yer right o
  17. got a good box of smut mags well used and 50 quid if your into them they made me sore many atime
  18. same when buying KFC you dont no were the bird comes from you buy it cos you like it
  19. joel if he buys birds and puts them up for every one to see then i say in is mind there straight birds. im not sayin it fine to buy stolen birds far from it and if he buys and sell stock so be it theres plenty out there that do it when you get your birds do you no there 100% straight
  20. hold on the your tryin to say that milly knows the birds he buys are stolen if so then hes as bad as gorgers that take em for a bag of gear. you can goto bird auctions and buy stolen birds with out knowin and you get a bill of sell.and as for me avin my birds took i cross that bridge if it comes
  21. go out of it crank dont let someone dictate how you go on in life. if your buying birds in good heart then crack on boy you put em up for all to see so in your mind there straight birds CHANGE YA NAME TO MILLY THE DEALER lol
  22. no hes in japan sortin out proplems they got with there shamos he should be back around christmas time witth eggs hoply ...he loves chritmas
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