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Everything posted by slips

  1. try giving um a good bit of red meat when you get back from working hard
  2. get ya self a sandvallyxscot american bulldog do all of that and good guard dogs jack of all trades them
  3. betas fine just add good red meat and chicken wings
  4. thats good goin was only gettinn a score .............................and all the permission you ever need
  5. try daves insanity sauce they wont want to bite after that
  6. Spot on mate the only thing i would add to this is some form of red meat or add vit B a couple of times a week if the dog is being worked really hard to lessen the chances of the dog becoming anemic as chicken doesnt have enough Bvitamins. Never heard of the B vits before but i couldn't agree more about the red meat. I only learned it a year or so ago from a good mate of minewho really knows his stuff when it comes to conditioning dogs.If your who i think you are you was chatting to a mate of mine at the midland last week who had just lost a very promising young dog that i had on my y
  7. Spot on mate the only thing i would add to this is some form of red meat or add vit B a couple of times a week if the dog is being worked really hard to lessen the chances of the dog becoming anemic as chicken doesnt have enough Bvitamins. Never heard of the B vits before but i couldn't agree more about the red meat. I only learned it a year or so ago from a good mate of minewho really knows his stuff when it comes to conditioning dogs.If your who i think you are you was chatting to a mate of mine at the midland last week who had just lost a very promising young dog that i had on my y
  8. So what exactly do you want?? kennel blindness, don't think your optition will know of the condition but that's what your suffering from.. To say you wouldn't use a different type over a black of yours even if it was superior at its job is madness plain and simple. I'm also sad to say that a top class Russell lakey or what ever is just as good as a top class fell. I'm sure you will disagree but what in your opinion can a top class black do that let's say a top class Russell can't? I said i hadnt seen one that could better a top class black dog,I didnt say there wernt any as good and that
  9. So what exactly do you want?? kennel blindness, don't think your optition will know of the condition but that's what your suffering from.. To say you wouldn't use a different type over a black of yours even if it was superior at its job is madness plain and simple. I'm also sad to say that a top class Russell lakey or what ever is just as good as a top class fell. I'm sure you will disagree but what in your opinion can a top class black do that let's say a top class Russell can't? I said i hadnt seen one that could better a top class black dog,I didnt say there wernt any as good and that
  10. So what exactly do you want?? kennel blindness, don't think your optition will know of the condition but that's what your suffering from.. To say you wouldn't use a different type over a black of yours even if it was superior at its job is madness plain and simple. I'm also sad to say that a top class Russell lakey or what ever is just as good as a top class fell. I'm sure you will disagree but what in your opinion can a top class black do that let's say a top class Russell can't? i think specsavers are doing a deal on that condition and i would like to know as well thanks
  11. that was a harsh card to pull downsouth patterjacks you no i add a soft spot for them .....................................in a hole
  12. i like to feed meat and carcus as it hold there condition better plus they keep a nice well mussele body
  13. and thats were it went wrong many years ago breeding more for there eye then there job why bred with a lesser dog when matey got a proper dog COME ON DOWN SOUTH ITS RAINING let it all go
  14. If i had a bitch that a bitch that i considered worthy of produceing a litter i would have done my homework and found a suitable dog of suitable breeding long before the bitch came in season so i wouldnt have to wait for the right dog to come along.Crossbreeding just because there was nothing else about or nothing closer would just be lazy. cross breeding as produce just as many good dogs as line bred dogs you should know ole bud
  15. nice lookin fella did his genes go into the stock you work now
  16. personaly i dont care what they are once set properly there catch what hits em. and i probly catch more in 4oz ones then any other type
  17. bio yogute mix it with there food for a few days
  18. i think 600 is way to much i felt embarris when i sold one for 400 to a stranger i gave the other one to a friend last week at 5 half month old and there mother larford abbie out of larford cateran xlarford gwen and there granfather on the father side is scimitar my bitchs half brother and theres plently of ftch in that line drop ya price its hard out there at the monment.ive just add a bitch jab to stop her avin pups me ypung dog got to his half sister
  19. the yakido was bred down from the chu shamo and his perpuse was a sparrin bird for the shamo by the vilages in japan so the story goes
  20. i took a young hob out what came off magwitch and a couple of young jills of my own for the first time the other day very pleased with them enter straight away and bolted well. i must say i was very pleased with the hob that came of magwitch i enter him with one of the jills in a two eyed bury and in no time 5 rabbits bolted the jill came up so i picked her up and put her in the box the hob showed but truned and went back i sat back waited 10 mins goes by and no signs of him. then i saw two rabbits hop down a 4 holer just 10 yards away so i walked over and drop one of the jills in and a coup
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