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Everything posted by slips

  1. lovly little pup just enjoy him he av plently of character in months to come
  2. common summer time injury or dogs run on hard ground does anyone rap that elacsic bandage to help stopers mate use to use it when runnin the stabble
  3. so there not salukixgreyhounds there lurchers
  4. the old water companys bulldog diggin shovels with firba hands
  5. well done any pups on the way did you get any dog food
  6. i think how hard the ground is i sooner keep em on the bike just to keep em ticking over. and as for fitness as long as they half way there at start of season they run there self fit with the game as the winter comes
  7. very nice american bulldog got a nice sandvally/scot male i work brilleant dogs plus good honest gaurd dogs
  8. so what ya trying say dont buy ski jackets from chatham market
  9. fathers charlie[chaz] i fine out mother name you must be very lucky to get ya hands her
  10. you can see theres a lot of bull in it hoply when the times right nice shot of ole charlie aving a swim
  11. was out early saterday to glear cubs near the relise pen. we blank the keeper for so long about get in rid of cubs. 7 litters he reckoned . guess what he got someone else to come down with terriers the under keeper told us and yes the rifles been and cleared most know so its a hard one when theres a job to be done
  12. you av a nice staffy mate but here in england folk are diffrent to the hong kong lot bells start ringin
  13. if your like me and dont like partin with ya money do what i do keep shit terriers and come on here and make out you got the best happy days but ive herd b/f with the over coller pulse is good
  14. hes not that despart surely hes proply melted in the hot whether
  15. this must comfirm that there nowt worth breedin in kent may be that why the fox popaulaion is boomin
  16. f**k me you was on about a dog not mating ya bitch now a couple of hours later you got pups thats been good advice you lads gave fair play
  17. maybe the poor little doggy tryed to grab a tractor mower seen it done and to be fair if you saw it in puplic you think the owner needs tellin
  18. thanks lads lasses for your comments another point i like to mension while out with me dogs. were i take em its alive with rabbits in the orchards been watchin the cocker to see how she reacts to them.... shes texts book went by 20 odd rabbits didnt bat a eye at them then speeded up and yes you got it she flushed a phesant so one side she wanted make a rabbiter just yet what i got her for
  19. i put you on me chirstmas card list haha
  20. shes 4 years old she came of a fella whos lost intrest in shootin so iv took her on shes a lovly little bitch and iv add her a week now .i was goin to use her for bushing with me terriers when she out shes so clam and steady . i beat on two esaste and as you do watch ya favaoite little worker doin there job and its just got me thinkin about may be she be ok but she small compared to the other cockers
  21. very nice mate theres hope for her then cheers
  22. yer your right iceman mucky paws would of whip him easyly and as for the toilet roll bang on mate speedie stop speedin and slow down lifes to short
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