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Everything posted by slips

  1. used too be plenty of dogs lookin like this when i was growin up 30 year ago i get me mother to get the ole photos out when toby use to be round home and his offspring t smiths toby charlie w dog tody (hoover)
  2. should of seen 44dave44 hed made a better job lol nice set up tho
  3. nice set up did you paid deer for the set up
  4. my hates are feedin em clearin shit from em but i must say i do like a dog that pulls on a lead because all the time there pullin there makin it easyer for walkin
  5. used too be plenty of dogs lookin like this when i was growin up 30 year ago i get me mother to get the ole photos out when toby use to be round home and his offspring
  6. yes mate heres a pic of dot rebel x eve todys aunty was very much like this bitch my uncle add her very good bitch.she add a lot of heart if you new the fields she was run on her name was fly
  7. so what would of call it if the hare made 75 yard on ya dog and he run another 20 seconds and stopped
  8. A line of Hint Horoz I would think ??? good anuf anwser rookie
  9. cheers jo shame we not closer
  10. if duckwing new hes bird he would no the silver line and dont tar all the same shows igrants in a person
  11. your not in to cannys then pheasents? bang on you ya birds
  12. toms a good man with dogs he learnt of the best gorge drake
  13. nice stag jo54 looks good
  14. i say more aseel then shamo
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