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Everything posted by slips

  1. do you cross ya aseels with the shamo lines just out of intrest
  2. Be a good Idea to see a few pics of his fowl first would'nt it slips? I know I'd like to see them as he promised to upload some pics. Be good to compare his so called "Indian" Asils to my Sindh Pakistani's. yer your right i could end up raisin indine game for the table
  3. asians babes is a good one to start with
  4. got a new pair at the boot fair paid 15quid not for winter months. cant beat the american matterhorns
  5. cant belive there stil for sale must be to close to xmas
  6. i feed prety much the same with red brand sunflowers hearts i also soak corn and oats for a couple of weeks for the young taiwains they go mad when you feed em it they love it .the growers i feed is 28 % protine from the game keeper
  7. if aseel man wants to send me eggs from is pure stock say a dozen i will hatch em and rear em and post them on ere for every one to see when they are 10 month ole i cant be fairer then that
  8. You've preached to the converted my friend, infact you've made your good self look a plum. If you read it again I said pure lines, not cross bred fowl. I'm glad you can trace gamefowl lines in your family back to 1981, but if that's so you would'nt have come out with such drivel to be honest.... We've had Japs in my family before most gamefowl men in the UK knew what a Shamo was - 1974 (other gamefowl like Asil, English fowl way, way before then) and still have that large Black Red Jap line now... I see you like to name drop, "JK" got her first pair of Shamo in 1989 and made her name with them
  9. cheers for the info mate much apresiated
  10. you can tell a aseel chick and shamo chick at a threw days ole . and to be honest there the sort of birds you put in auction to get a bit of corn money for em ..i put some pure aseels up to show the diffrents
  11. Sounds as if she is a natural- hunting well despite being new to the game. At some stage you will need to get her to stop on the whistle when you can see she is on something- What that does is enable you to keep up with the dog and stay within range of the flush - Best of luck what would be best time to start and how do you make em stop to the whistle with a long lead please inlighten
  12. good size pens craigyboy mine are 10x5... 7foot is for scracthin 3foot for rost aera got 4 like that and a 8x8 scracth pen with a 8x3 rost or another pen and a 20x10 shed for rearin chicks and a couple of pen in side for early breedin or sick bay
  13. mooch i take all coments with the hope to learn a bit more im not a hard core gun dog man ive just got in to them. use to dig terriers and ad runnin dogs so all im doin is condistioning the dogs while i learn i love brushin so im half way there just let me dogs av more freedom hunt them a man carryin the gun and the bit were she follow the cock bird and flushed it and returned soon as it lifted was of her own doin so she could be a natral
  14. this is the dogs sixth outen its been keep locked in a garden for last 10 months not hardly ever walked let alone sit when the bird flushes. it ever new what so much freedom is. im only watchin for her instints and work ablitly and for a dog to come out at 14months and out 6 times huntin i think she downin good ive only ad her a week so she come a long way in this sort time and the way ive been shootin with me ole catty they wont be lookin for fallin birds lol
  15. cheers dave for reply. out up the woods this morning with dogs ive been watchin the springer more hows she comin on with her sentin. her ole tail strated goin on over drive all of a sudden a rabbits gets up springer took after it the way run it ad a bit of mixy she catch it and retreved to hand.a little further i saw a cock bird runnin along the fence line i walked her to the aera put the cocker on a lead so i culd see how the springer be on her own she pick up the sent nose down and runnin were the cock bird runnin the bird was a good 100 yards in front she got right to it the bird lifted jus
  16. what did he do wrong....... f****n hell the lads only tryin out his new phone carma to show his ma what a good day he add
  17. well you ment to wear em not just hang em up and stair at em for two years
  18. no cos when side on to the wind it will blow the beam down the field and scare the rest of em for you get a chance
  19. i didnt relize that cockers and springers worked diffrently ive got a cocker bitch which is 6 and works at a 100 mile a hour she got 30 odd ftch in her make up and is a pleasure to watch hunt she works the thickest of bramble . now at the weekend i got a springer bitch 14 month old she been kept as apet and not rearly been walked so i thought i be takin on a head case what ive heard about em. well i get to the point this bitch is all ready comin to the whisle and workin cover well chuffed. four days of huntin with me others i notice that she sweeps the ground more slower then me cocker is this
  20. Let me guess all ye dogs are chinned and look like they have done 3 rounds with a hedge trimmer and that means they are better grafters a good sensible dog that can be dug to time and time again are worth there weight in gold fella people mock what they dont understand well said hedz31 just shows what they rearly know a handy tool which can be used as and when cody put up your dogs and lets see what there like i would do,but i know i would have rspca knocking on my door,i like a terrier to mix,mine have the scars to prove i used to like a dog when you broke thro to them there fox was dea
  21. Let me guess all ye dogs are chinned and look like they have done 3 rounds with a hedge trimmer and that means they are better grafters a good sensible dog that can be dug to time and time again are worth there weight in gold fella people mock what they dont understand well said hedz31 just shows what they rearly know a handy tool which can be used as and when cody put up your dogs and lets see what there like
  22. and let nonses walk the streets and give em safe houses all cos top judges sit behind the bench rubbin there self when they here the charges of the nonses and get of what they do
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