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Everything posted by slips

  1. yes, yearly, do the need it more regularly then and Im told they get taken out at least once a year some people never heard of tongue in cheek humour they pace cause normally when pat is near the court, means they are going ferreting Ya never know nower days Mine never pace, with a history in rescue kennels pacing normaly mean kennel mad so set off bad memorys for me. all the best workers i add paced like that and soon as i watched the clip i thought there workers and in good condistion not fat and lazy s
  2. by 12 weeks im finding them little earths with bolters in every one to there own...... lets face it there eatin rabbits at 4 weeks and by 6 weeks if there not ready to go well i dont know then
  3. the bird looks a bit down in its self compared to the first time you posted him as he got mite
  4. just doing a bit of ratting one min he was there the next he was gone i thought he would just pop back out from some were but he never ......just been back to the farm were i lost him with the lamp and no sign but i will get back on the phone in the morning cos most places were shut today .....fingers x he will turn up any were near me brog you never no might get lucky give us a bell
  5. i deal mooching dogs for finding sport and on your way agian ive add one for 10 years now probly the best little finder of foxes any one could wish to av and if i could av her again for a nother ten years i would and a little party trick she duz at easter time she raids the pots and brings em out whorth her weight in gold for sure BUT A HARD CORE DIGGIN MAN PROBLY WOULDNT FEED HER
  6. Nipper x pure saluki the mother wasnt pure saluki she add collile in her
  7. you get em for free MONG beg em
  8. well done brog i bet there be a few more being posted befor the end of the month
  9. i dont think my dogs would of walked on that ground let alone run on it. how did there feet coupe
  10. how thay bread [bANNED TEXT] the one with the white chest was out of a pure saluki bitch and the father was ment to be three quauter grey/quauter saluki but ithink it was a pure greyhound personly as all the litter add no featherin thats how they come when first cross .the other bitch was saluki/greyxcollie/grey that was the mother the father was three quauter saluki/whippet i would say that little bitch was one of the best all rounders you could wish for i know its easy t say it when a dog is dead and gone but if i add her now i good honisty say ive got a top noch bitch for lampin coursin fe
  11. how thay bread [bANNED TEXT] the one with the white chest was out of a pure saluki bitch and the father was ment to be three quauter grey/quauter saluki but ithink it was a pure greyhound personly as all the litter add no featherin thats how they come when first cross .the other bitch was saluki/greyxcollie/grey that was the mother the father was three quauter saluki/whippet i would say that little bitch was one of the best all rounders you could wish for i know its easy t say it when a dog is dead and gone but if i add her now i good honisty say ive got a top noch bitch for lampin coursin fe
  12. these two could kill hares anywere you took em good sports dogs this was taken nearly 20 years ago
  13. slips


    never seen mixy in end of january/febuary all the time iv been ferreting
  14. what line of asil is the hen
  15. looks a tidy bird joe nice eye on him is he a clever bird when down
  16. slips


    on two trips to the farm were i collect meat i seen mixy hoppin about saw downsouth off ere today and avin a chat about things and i was telling him how i got the best little polecat ever and he told me hes seen mixy round his way so it dont seem to die off to easy now
  17. i would wait till the cold wheather goes first then kennal him out side and also them dog coats what greyhound owners use will help out a grate deal .a dog that lays cold at night shivers wieght off the body
  18. beginers yes ole hands thats got field craft dont need to as we learn from the oler ones that didnt read dos and donts from books and www. how many still cut the lineing in there coats to put a pug in a bag and veedublee its shows exactly what you know with your silly remark f**k all
  19. never used a finder in 30 years ferreting cant see the need There you go then.......... 2 pugs in 30 odd years not bad going i say .....one i knew i would loose cos it would come out and run flat out into cover or another earth so it was on the cards the second was lost when wasps stung me terrier and it add a reaction i blocked the holes and took the dog to the vets on return to the earth one of the holes was unblocked i unblocked the others and rattel the ole stick inthe holes but no pug at the same time there was pruners in the orchard and i recon they add it shit happens
  20. so your sayin you put 12 pugs to ground with locators ?i ferret for the pot and others who ask for them if i got to clear big earths for the farmers we just clear em with the air rirfles and the earths i do are mainly in orchards were they range from 1to25 holes and still dont need a finder but i will say theres not earths that size were im at thank fuuk
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