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Everything posted by borderland

  1. had a young hound pup attacked mate in my dog trailer by a bull lurcher. The bill to put the pup right was 180 pound and it was never the same again and turned out to be no use at all even though it was showing great signs before the incident. Time will tell whether your dog fully recovers. I hope it does.
  2. where abouts are you lad?
  3. dont know if I have a pic of her will look and get back to ya. thanks
  4. it says he is from heywood heywood is near rochdale rochdale is near manchester lol thanks for that! amazed at my own blindness! still would like a price though
  5. Bitch lost just of the main newry belfast road about 6 miles from newry. No pics available but any sightings or info from the irish lads on here would be a great help
  6. what is the breeding of it? where are the sire and dam from and what work have they done?
  7. cub killing is such good sport. So tough on dogs too
  8. 100% agree with this .The greyhound will have to be a proven hunter. you wouldnt breed a below par lurcher to a good lurcher so why breed a good luircher to an unproven greyhound.
  9. only loosers accept second
  10. blinded hare ??? how is that going happen unless the hare runs straight towrds you ... a hare is no different than a rabbit ... it is an agricultural pest pure and simple and shouldnt be given any preferencial treatment to the rabbit ........... clearly you have not compared a hare running during the day and 1 running at night or you would notice the gulf of difference.
  11. I think Its more a matter of respecting your prey. Sure this guy wont affect my hunting for the season but as a hunter you have to have a bit of respect for the animals we hunt. In the cases of pest control then fair enough, this cant be helped as you may lose permission if the problem is not sorted. Too many people though are using this as an excuse to get out early and get their number count up ( because after all its the amount you kill that matters isnt it? ) . to go out and lamp a 4-5 month old fox and be delighted with yourself and your dog shows a lack of respect and sense in my opinion
  12. wats it like during the day, thats when I do most of my hunting good on fox and will do hare's but it isn't great on them but for hare's i think you need a fair bit of saluki good to hear mate , I might look in2 that when the time comes. cheers
  13. wats it like during the day, thats when I do most of my hunting
  14. agree with alot of what you said especially the statement about bull crosses becoming a fashion. I think the reason collie crosses are used less is that there are very few good first cross collie/greyhounds in the country, the demand for them has dwindled and so alot of good breeding has been lost. Have nothing against bull crosses ( had plenty myself) but I dont think they can be a true all rounder without something else in the breeding.
  15. make up a small section of fence and place it infront of the dogs gate so he has to jump it too get out. Start of small and gradually make it taller.
  16. are salukis not a bit soft for something that bites back? Never had 1 just going on wat I have heard. don't believe everything you hear mate especially that fair enough, as I said never had 1 , just going on what I heard. Have a greyhound that is going into her second season on the biters and considering wat to put over her if she goes as well as last season. no doubt your greyhound has load's of speed and can deal with them what is the only thing you would add to the dog if you could mate I dont think she lacks wickedness, she has that in abundance, moreso hard
  17. gonna be honest with you mate , its very suspect selling a 15 month old working dog 1 month away from the start of the season.
  18. are salukis not a bit soft for something that bites back? Never had 1 just going on wat I have heard. don't believe everything you hear mate especially that fair enough, as I said never had 1 , just going on what I heard. Have a greyhound that is going into her second season on the biters and considering wat to put over her if she goes as well as last season.
  19. are salukis not a bit soft for something that bites back? Never had 1 just going on wat I have heard.
  20. we dont get many roe or small deer over here and it would take a fair few lurchers to take down some of the stags I've seen !
  21. first of this is not a " my dog is better than yours thread " . I read alot on here about which crosses different people believe work and was wondering which type of lurcher every1 thought was better for each quarry. In my own opinion I believe the best for each are Rabbiting: collie/ greyhound simply because they have brains and when ferreting and bushing for rabbits I have noticed they use their heads much more than their eyes, sometimes prempting the bolt or break from cover. foxing: Would have to say the majority of my foxing dogs had/have bull in them. the main reason being toug
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