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Everything posted by borderland

  1. to be honest mate Most racing greyhounds Ive seen are game as. They have to be to chase a dummy week in week out. I have 1 at the minute and though she is not a slaughtering machine she does the job. I reared her from a pup though. Mate took a track dog huntin and it tortured him , they are not very bright
  2. What does it seem like so?? Eh, there is a BIT of skill involved!!! Lamping foxes is an effective method of fox control. I don't know much about hunting with dogs so I won't make comments good nor bad about it. I could say its cruel and takes the fox a long time to die, but I honestly don't know. All I know is slapping a fox with a .223 and its game over, if you do your part right he's dead before he hits the ground. What about the pickled foxes that limp away to die a slow and horrible death from gangreen or starvation. At least with a dog you either get it or you dont
  3. I believe the only true for of hunting is with dogs. Shooting something with a rifle is something [NO TEXT TALK] could do, them things are so fine tuned an amimal at 300 yards looks like its right beside you.Whereas when you go out with a dog the quarry has a much better chance and you have to pit your wits against nature. Thats hunting in my eyes.
  4. It depends how big the "shed" is. Once it goes over certain dimensions planning permission is needed
  5. doesnt even seem like hunting to me looking through a set of crosshairs and pulling a trigger
  6. Right then here we go..... now thats much better. sure hes even faster than the lurcher! lol. good luck with the pups mate .
  7. Mate of mine had a collie cross lab as big as that Lab and it was an excellent bushing dog but also was lethal at drawing out. I think thats a terrible picture of your lab. You have done him no justice there, Get 1 of him standing or running not laying about.
  8. time , effort , FOOD , worming , all adds up time and effort are the same thing!!!! lol and would the above add up to 1170 pound??? now thats being a smart arse................ you prob dont even want a pup, so why you bothered about the price?????????? Well your clearly bothered. whereas Im not at all , I will honestly lose no sleep at all over it and your right I dont want a pup I breed my own if possible. I just think the price of pups in general has got out of all proportion and it was refreshing to see someone not in it for the money!! (apparently)
  9. liverpool>>>>>>>>>aston villa
  10. are the results going to be put up week by week?
  11. no buy a good lurcher pup and throw the rifle away.
  12. time , effort , FOOD , worming , all adds up time and effort are the same thing!!!! lol and would the above add up to 1170 pound??? you could have them a lenthy amount of time , but not bother with them , therfore NO effort , so no there not same thing lol , fair enough !! lol though I notice you didnt answer the question! coincidence ? I think not
  13. time , effort , FOOD , worming , all adds up time and effort are the same thing!!!! lol and would the above add up to 1170 pound???
  14. Im really not trying to be a smart ass here but if you say your not in it for the money why are the pups 150 and 120 pound?
  15. bought a bitch myself and my mate bought 1 too, gorgeous pups , sire and dam are 100% working.
  16. as far as I m aware terrier work to foxes in north of ireland is legal. Its the dog they could have you on , if he has taken alot of abuse.
  17. dont know if I have a pic of her will look and get back to ya. thanks i keep i eye out down here mate cheers sounder thanks mate
  18. I had a terrier bitch i named lotty and the mate was talking about the terrier with a lad we used to hunt with and the other lad said " lotty ??? I thought it was called laddie!!! I always wondered why he called that bitch laddie" dont complicate it, use something simple
  19. I think the best option having had both types is a mix of both collie and bull in there. Am gonna breed the same type myself mate, have a working greyhound that will be getting covered the next time she breaks
  20. I had a 5/8 collie greyhound dog , bought him of a lad who used him for ferreting and the odd hare. He was fine for speed but wouldnt be an ideal hare dog. I took him for foxes and the first year he killed all that was put in front off him. Twice during the year he killed 3 in the 1 day. He had a knack for lifting foxes by the back of the neck. The following year he was going well until 1 day he caught a fox by the tail and wouldnt go near the biting end , I threw the fox up the field and he did the exact same again. Had to get another lurcher to kill it. Was going to give him another chance b
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