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Everything posted by bunks

  1. hi there i have had to get my old dog put down just wondered if anyone has anything working for sale or just about to start cheers..
  2. are the dam and sire both first crosses,they should make handy dog's in the right hand's atb cheers...
  3. cracking looking animal how much you looking for cheer's..
  4. been out whith these dog's both good single handed dog's...
  5. i obviosly no a bit more than u and [bANNED TEXT] a bit older if u think saluki's are brainy,they must have the same brains as yourself...
  6. ive never seen these fen dog's hunt up put the hare up chase it through rashy parks over wall's and fence's ,or up and down hill's for that matter,there just walked into the field and slipped when the hare get's up,these dog's have all the time in the world to work there hare because there is very little if any obstacle's to tackle while in pursuit,im not sayimg that all saluki crosses are no good but all the bragged about fen dog's wouldn't do much up here,and the dog's people use round my area proabably wouldn't do down there,there's nothing wrong with a bit of saluki blood in a dog but to m
  7. theres only one difference you can pull a hare from [bANNED TEXT] arse but you can't pull a rabbit,lol
  8. i would also gladly take anyone with a fen dog out up hear ftb to see there so called hare dog's run,as they also could take my dog out on the fen's and it wouldn't do the job this is turned into a slagging match when it was just a question on what breed is more suited atb...
  9. lucky c**t's haven't found anything yet atb boy's with the season...
  10. i have witnesed dogs on the fen's and they are good at there job but never once did i see a fence or a thick rashy park or hill's that sum people would struggle to walk never mind a dog run,this was only a question on what breed did people prefer up in scotland,lamping brown hare's is no match for any dog i have seen bedlingtons killing them on the lamp atb boy's...
  11. just as good as the lightforce,but a cheaper make and the on,of switch on them is better than the lightforce atb...
  12. bunks


    lol at least sum of us on here can have a laugh atb...
  13. bunks


    stubby the things in your bucket are called tattie's up here or are you good at spelling too..
  14. bunks


    anybody got any ideas where i could get a good picture of a dog coursing for a tatto's on my back any info welcome cheers...
  15. alot of dog men use collie crosses but half crosses just don't have enough speed saluki grew collie grew would be a intresting breed to try ..
  16. come on boy's it's just a question i was asking ive had first cross saluki greyhounds up here and they just don't do,im not saying there not good dog's but as said before the work well down on the fen's but up here there injury prone especially there toe's getting stub's and broken,whippet greyhounds or 3|4 greyhound collies are about the best i have witnessed up here cheers..
  17. i just wanted to no peoples opinions on a good hare dog in scotland are what type of cross,with the diffrence in terrain,and alot shorter fields'i thinkk you would have needed a dog with a quick burst of speed and good striking what do use think,this is not a topic to start a argument it's just a thought
  18. seen this dog work it is very hard dog,this will make someone a good dog atb with the sale<BR>
  19. o big yin a ken her big gypsy sheila way the straw cuming out her hair when she burst the caravan door open,and about a dozen chichens in her bed,she doe'snt want to make luv to you so just forget it,somethings are better off left alone martin,there;s plent of more fish in the sea...
  20. Anybody know where to get a number for brian nuttall as i cant find any cheers folks
  21. do u think they would fit my ROBIN RELIANT GSI mate
  22. is that 54k or 540k mate
  23. good show the day lads n the weather held out my mates lurcher bitch got 2nd over all...couldny take any dogs the day, bitches are in season atb lads for next year, martin
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