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About max&paddy

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  1. Thanks for all your replies they have been very useful. I think i'll go ahead and try the Mk3 if the actual 'finding' ability is ok, as I don't think it will have very heavy use. When you say it breaks, is it the collar? And in what way does it go? Would it be possible to change the nylon for leather myself do you think? Cheers
  2. Hi This is my first post on this forum, I joined as I've got two hobs that I want to take ferreting soon, and have read some good advice on here so far - thanks! The problem is, I have been looking at ferret finders and I was going to get the Deben Mk 3, but have heard a few bad things about it, accuracy, collars etc. I would really appreciate other peoples opinions on the best locators, as I obviously want to minimise any chance of losing my boys! Many thanks
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