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Everything posted by bullcross1

  1. alright folks,i caught the owner of country wide kennels down at the midland, like i said i was going to, and he was quite shocked after i told him my situation, he said he knew nothing about it, and that he had recently sacked 4 managerial staff and that things were changing at the company. He was full of apologise and has given me 4 water proof mats for the dogs to lie on and 30% off my next purchase i get with them. Im not sure ill use them again after all the hassle, but the steel turned up and its decent stuff so i guess its up to you guys to make your own minds up on weather to use them
  2. ill be there mate camping in the ground with a couple of pals, should be fun
  3. they rang me up today and said that there sorry and that me steel will deffinately be hear next week, so ill play it by them for now but im still gonna voice me opinion when a see them and ask for something in return for the hassle ive had. I wish id nown about the other place which strong stuff mentioned but you live and learn folks.
  4. http://www.countrywidekennels.co.uk/ thanks for the replys im absolutely disgusted at the way they have handled the situation, ive got four runs here ready for me dogs to be in, and im waiting for these muppets to sort the steel out,its been 4 weeks now, they have a rather relaxed attitude as well and even had the cheek to say that 600 pound wasnt a lot of money, well it is to me. Ill be causing these chaps quite some trouble at the midland thats for sure.
  5. ordered some galvenised steel, over 600 ponds worth. They were ment to be delivered last thursday but no joy, then it was ment to be today but still no sign, ive rang them up and basically they couldnt give a toss, they said they just order it in from abroad and then pass it on, so its out of there hands. Ive just spoken to a freind about this and he had the same trouble with his order from the same company, has any body else had any bad exsperiances with this outfit. Luckily they have a stall at the midland game fair and im stopping down there with a few mates so am going to cause some shit f
  6. havent seen many deerhound croses run in the field, but i own a couple of bull crosses and i use to run fallow quite a bit with them before the ban, and to be honest they couldnt really come to terms with them in the open field, of course you always get the ones that bounce of fences etc, and if your running out of a motor thats a different thing all together bull crosses would excell in that situation. But im one for walking fields and for this i dont think bull crosses are the best for the deer, and i would imagine a deerhound cross might do better . This is just my opinion so no nastys pl
  7. heres a few ov of the little tykes
  8. according to my elder/s he who hummed was said to be dug before / resented being dug took the fight to the dog/ watch your fingers when tailin lol leroy .
  9. i got scamed of b and q when a bought a kitchen off them fecking rubbish
  10. nailer bred from the north east durham
  11. not as much as i would like but she is improving with every dig .
  12. i mate it kept backfillin itself dog struggled to keep on terms
  13. had a few call outs this past month nothing special i hate killing next years sport but done it must or someone else will heres a few photoes of me and tone . patterdale bitchs second season and is progessing quite well not the best dog ive kept but a gallent little bitch all the same called copper. leroy
  14. felching is a sexual practice in which semen or other fluid is sucked out of another persons anus, with or without a straw. The person sucking the semen will then pass it, mouth to mouth to their partner. is it just planet earth were this stuff goes on or does it happen on yelnrub as well
  15. cracker, keep up the good work cammo man your a legend haha
  16. i notice a few people are feeding tripe, av just finished reading a book, which is called john kohnke vetinary advice for greyhounds, this bloke wrote in the greyhound star mag for a few years answering questions, on a wide range of issues. I picked up on a couple of intresting articles what he said about tripe " tripe is low energy, protein and fat. It has only about two-thirds of the enregy content of beef, about 12 per cent protein, and 2 percent fat. It is usally best fed cooked and best mixed on a 50/50 basis with other meat. He goes on to say never to feed a pup on tripe as you would nee
  17. were's jermy kyle when you need him
  18. a wouldnt take much notice of the pretenders who preach on this site day in day out, its the quiet ones that dont talk shit, are the ones who are out doing the most but they just keep quiet about it .
  19. take every thing with a pinch of salt mate, full of pretenders and big ego's on here
  20. a dont go on much it seems to be the same people on most of the time talking dribble, ditch seemed to be good crack so id choose him.
  21. a wasn't planning on going, but a think ill have a little looksy now, should be good fun
  22. a think most people know tyson wasnt the fighter he used to be when he fought holyfield. a think any body who steps in to the ring at any level deserve respect, and all the accusations, of him being a pervert, well are they a 100 % true.
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