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Everything posted by bullcross1

  1. wilf hit the nail on the head, been watching that lad post on here for years with his sir storm shit, he came a cross as a young no it all, a lot of folk ran up his arse as well, just a matter of time before people like that get found out. am sure his farther is on these sites as well, although i might be wrong
  2. spot on that mate, i can only echo mr poaches words though as iv been there myself
  3. laughed when i read this thread, thought it was going to be another stolen dog case or something. A battery for f**k sake get a grip lads
  4. for what you wanted a dog for in the firsrt place, id say you have choose the wrong type of dog for yourself, especially if your planning on running rabbitts and hares. Ive owned a few bull crosses and the best one that i owned was one like yours a do or die type, you will have a lot of fun with it if its made of the right stuff as these sort of dogs catch stuff what other dogs carnt ie catching in hedges and woodside etc, but you will just have to be prepared for big vet bills in the process, my advice would be get your own staple gun some aticeptic sprays antibiotics and few other bits and
  5. keep yourself to yourself and tell no one nowt, most thefts are from friends of friends who you may have been out with before, if no one knows you have dogs then there is less chance of them going missing
  6. vin mate i think you have watched to many most haunted programs
  7. well i mostly go out on me own, lamping and walking through woods in the dead of night and ive never seen a bloody thing, one of the areas i lamp is near a railway way track and ive known of a few people kill themselves on this particular line and ive often expected to see or hear something but never have. personally i dont beleive in such shit
  8. is that the fred that a chap from durham owned
  9. hi all heres a few pics of me little tykes first pic nuttal dog 18mth coming on well, second pic workerxworker 4yrold bitch doing the buisness cheers leroy
  10. ill be going on the weekend, me dad stops up for the week in his camper van, its a great atmosphere up there so looking forward to it.
  11. ive been through this myself, had a nice house spent just short of 2 grand on me dog pens, i would be lamping at least 5 nights a week, and when i wasnt lamping id be on these site's paying her no intrest what so ever, needless to say it lasted 6 month and she started seeing some one else behind me back. I was warned what would happen off a few older blokes i hunt with and i just laughed it off, i took all me pens down rented me house out and back with parents now, i often think was it worth it, it took me a while to get back in to full swing with the dogs, i just hope next time round ive lear
  12. dave sleigh has a dvd out mate, its called purdeys progress, it shows him bringing the pup up and all the stages of training throughout the first year of its life, its a good watch
  13. depends on what deer you would be running and if you would running them from a motor or not, it doesnt take anything special to pull over the little deer, just my opinion though
  14. sorry to hear that mate, at least you have have an idead were abouts the dogs are, ive recently had a terrier stolen but got it back a few days later and im just waiting for 1 more address then ive caught up with all who were involved, good luck mate and revenge is so sweet
  15. i got the message to, opened it and it had a sexy babes number on, glad i opened it now
  16. good crack, its amazing how some folk take things so serious
  17. iv seen it as well, its funny as feck, also enjoyed snatch but thought man about dog was better
  18. i wonder what they are saying on cunters now, i was a member but then i stood up for some one and they deleted me , iv never been able to sleep since. That site was starting to make me feel sick any how.
  19. what an excellent read this has been, keep up the good work folks, and well done to ldr for stuffing the fat mess
  20. ya must of been looking in the mirror the other night mate coz i float like a butterfly and sting like a bee and about not being able to go out with the dogs ya know ya got the wrong person with that one have ya been killing next season game lately a kill owt that moves son, ya should no that by now haha
  21. dont do it number one armchair hunter lol. To be honest the way you were hitting that bag the the other night mate id give up the dog game and start dancing or summitt. You only allowed out with the muts when the girlfriend lets ya anyways
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