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Everything posted by bullcross1

  1. like a said on and on and on. tell your mrs i said hi
  2. Really mate? How about you state how you come to that conclusion? Or did you just pluck it out of the air because you've nothing better to do? Im no woman and i think alot of good could come from this thread. This site has gone downhill and lost alot of members who made it good because of the number of wasters on here now. If that can be reversed, and it sounds like the mods are going to try and do so, is that a bad thing? come on mate, get a grip its the internet. Most people on this site are idiots half of them kids and the other half arm chair hunters. Surely to god you have more im
  3. Really mate? How about you state how you come to that conclusion? Or did you just pluck it out of the air because you've nothing better to do? Im no woman and i think alot of good could come from this thread. This site has gone downhill and lost alot of members who made it good because of the number of wasters on here now. If that can be reversed, and it sounds like the mods are going to try and do so, is that a bad thing? come on mate, get a grip its the internet. Most people on this site are idiots half of them kids and the other half arm chair hunters. Surely to god you have more im
  4. Really mate? How about you state how you come to that conclusion? Or did you just pluck it out of the air because you've nothing better to do? Im no woman and i think alot of good could come from this thread. This site has gone downhill and lost alot of members who made it good because of the number of wasters on here now. If that can be reversed, and it sounds like the mods are going to try and do so, is that a bad thing? come on mate, get a grip its the internet. Most people on this site are idiots half of them kids and the other half arm chair hunters. Surely to god you have more im
  5. silly thread started probably by a silly woman
  6. He appealed for anyone who had been "lamping" or poaching in the Ramsbury area of Wiltshire or nearby from 0300 BST on Saturday 19 March to contact the force if they had seen anything suspicious, or a green Toyota Avensis. He stressed officers were not interested in prosecuting anyone for poaching. got this quote from a newspaper, looks like there wanting our help now
  7. a bit of straight talking, carnt beat it
  8. spot on mate, i went to a show he put on a couple of years back and there were folks who are putting him down on this thread all cuddled up with him that day. His dog sheds were shit as well 2 friends of mine bought off him and ended up chucking them away after a year or 2. Pleased a had nothing to do with him
  9. just waiting for the word minshaw to get mentioned
  10. you live in a cracking area there mate
  11. cheers lads, i own a lazer machine but was advised not to use it, the dog is still bouncing in his run and u wouldnt think they was anything up with him. i also thought ice would be a good idea as the muscle itself is red hot compared to the other leg, and i was advised not to do that as well
  12. its a bad tear tote, and cause i never took the dog down straight away stitching wasnt an option sadly, iv been told to manipulate the muscle daily porta mag him and rest, he said he might not run the same again.
  13. cheers boss hog, when i spoke to the vet he said the high up tears are worse than the low down one which mine is. i also have a mag box great bit of kit
  14. That's the man. Friend of my Bro's. Came to his wedding with...... No shoes. Been out on the fell with him (in february) with no shoes. Last i heard he was living on a barge Had a Mick Douglas bred dog 'Tanner' years ago and she was a good all rounder mick douglas died not long back mate
  15. has any one on here owned a dog that has come back from a badly torn gracilus muscle, had me dog to a well known running dog vet and says he probably wont be able to hit his top speed again. gonna give him a long lay off and see what happens. im only intrested in replys from people who have had dogs with this injury before. thanks
  16. i do a lot of walking on a night, i use a 20 amp battery in a ruck sack and have done for years, a friend of mine has just bought a lithium battery and they are a luxury to use. definatly the way forward, a just need to bite the bullet and buy one now
  17. Ive had the same thought mate ive saw that many lately and i saw too roe the other day not too far from mine grazing on a field have saw roe there in the past but they these 2 seemed quite settled and have been spotted there a few times now were did you say you lived again mate
  18. yep it learns you how to pinch vege out of peoples allotments, and theres a cracking fight on it
  19. seems strange to me all the thousands they spend on cakes and dresses, yet when they leave in there new caravan its looks a few hundred quid worth of shit. I think the tv companys are funding the whole shherbang, not a fan of pikeys myself
  20. Nice to get some civil replies. Why are some people on here so touchy and paranoid? probably because its a open site to any jo public including antis, rspca, police and probably a whole lot more scummy people.
  21. Oooooo a good deer thread these always go down well seen a few thousand of these threads on here, good luck
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