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About bullcross1

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    Born Hunter

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  1. bullcross1


    Haven't been on here for god knows how long and came accord this thread. I feel for you dymented and a hope you get justice for what these horrible b*****ds have done, they took my dog off me a few years ago and it took six month to get him back and the dog was never the same. Any way all the best and a hope justice is served.
  2. Cheers shoot lodge ill give them a ring,peg leg this is the exact reply a didn't want u must be a 16 year old chav hunter bet you ha net been in the game 2 seasons with a reply like that
  3. Hello guys, haven't been on here for ages just wondering if I could get some advice of some sensible chaps off here. Basically to cut a long story short I was out with my dogs one night a few years back now and my dog received a cut to his face from a wire fence. I carried on for another hour or so when I got pulled over from the police. Straight away they accused me of killing badgers with my dogs I just tried to laugh this off but my laugh soon disappeared when they decided to lock me up for 10 hours and confiscate my dogs and car. Any way the RSPCA got involved and it went on for months th
  4. This post is gonna take some catching up on
  5. Apparently it's the craze now and apparently you carnt buy a decent lamp dog for less than 2 grand haha
  6. Get another one of them shit saluki pit mans whippets again
  7. Should be ok it's when the outside toe gets taken off that can cause problems
  8. A wish a wasn't a thick f**k then I'd put a link up a even took a picture of the article on me iPhone trying to upload it to this site but don't no how. They saying a rabbit is protected species
  9. I saw it to in the northern echo absolute disgrace, must be something else involved what they not saying, if any one can put a link up its in today's echo
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