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Everything posted by alfie1

  1. the best dog to use is the hereford bulldog and if you cant find any pictures the next best bulldog is the belgianbulldog
  2. hahaha "king hell i didnt think salukis retrieved back to hand
  3. balls to the ban, lets all get an eagle
  4. just ordered it, it better be good for 40 notes
  5. ask markfox hes got a kennel full of them little beautys
  6. ring clive rees straight away.. hes a great bloke and very helpful, even just for advice
  7. markfox broke a nail last week holding the grafter
  8. hear hear, ive heard this lad is a bit keen for mooching about hahaha
  9. you love doing in them little grey fluffy squeekers hahaha

  10. Markfox: allergic to round mouths

  11. this year we dug 5.2 metre on the bellman.. dog in 3 days stuck in an old land drain working a big fox.. got dog out safe would that be to the very good looking alfie??? hahaha what do you mean.. show winner him hahaha
  12. this year we dug 5.2 metre on the bellman.. dog in 3 days stuck in an old land drain working a big fox.. got dog out safe
  13. spot on there.. this lad bragging about his mates dog needs to get a few facts right before he posts anything.. and if people slag him off then he should shoot them down in flames with facts!.. like how many its dug bolted an killed.. he doesnt have to do this at all but he shouldnt moan when folk says hes full of shite.. hard dogs take knocks.. thats a fact.. knack or no knack.. killing half dozen???? foxes for a young dog is spot on.. still time he might take a step back an become a bayer.. nice looking dog though
  14. nuttall is just like a name now.. so diluted.. thats why you here adverts like "old nuttall" a crock of shit.. not the genuine dogs but the adverts and the divs saying that
  15. you dont needs marks on a dog to get foxes lads.. keep up the good work.. sick bay is hassle.. unless youve a dozen terriers
  16. stethouscope.. hear multiple heart beats.. joke
  17. good strong dogs them, most of the time in sick bay ar they too hard sometimes mate do u no anybody who as worked them wheeler type dogs would be a bit of a handfull for a beginner.. they can throw big.... need plenty work t calm them.. i wouldnt trust one with owt.. few a lads i know have had them and every ones a fighter.. and a few have had a short working life. far too hard.. just my opinion on [bANNED TEXT] av seen.. i need sensible terriers that bush out with our little pack... like the others have said breed the bitch with a few seasons behind it
  18. good strong dogs them, most of the time in sick bay
  19. please show me some of these huge 30 lb PLUS foxes.. do you have any pics.. biggest one ive weighed was a 23 an half pound dog fox.. it was some brute of a specimen which i took a photo of an sent to EDRD which the editor put in.
  20. ring b and f up. they are very helpful and they will tell u exactly how to use it... they are not as good as the old knocker box for pin pointing, youll find that out yourself pretty quick
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