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Everything posted by dc5

  1. Lofting poles are usually around £40 and they come In sections that lock Into one another to make one long pole. You will need lofting hooks as well, these are what the full bodied decoy sits on In the tree. You put the decoy on the hook and then the hook on the end of the pole and loft It Into the branches In the tree. The hooks have a counter weight on them so that the decoy sits upright and doesn't fall off.. when you are finished you just use the pole to reach up and retrieve your hook and decoy. Alternatively you could just get a full bodied decoy and and attach a length of
  2. Hi mate, If you have a budget of £ get yourself a stealth ghost 2 ply camo net and a set of 4 adjustable hide poles with footplates and spikes. The poles are around £40 and the net should only be £30. Ukshootwarehouse has them In stock and they are very quick with delivery If you get these they will last you years and they do the job very well good luck, jase.
  3. Well I like .22 but I also like .177 but which ones the best ???????? theres only one way to find out............... FIIIIGHT.
  4. I suppose if you don't ask you don't get, sorry mate but no I couldn't let it go for £300. What would be your best price tam? pm me as I`m on the look out for an s410 jase.
  5. Immaculate condition weihrauch HW90k .22 11.5 lbs/ft. This Is only a few months old and has only had around 60 pellets through It. It comes with a sound moderator and a camo sling that were shop fitted Also Included Is a Hawke sport HD mildot scope 4x12x50 and lens covers. This package cost £440 new and I would like £290 delivered.
  6. Cheers mate The whole kit cost over £400 only a few months ago and a local gun shop offered a mesely £210 for a trade In good luck with your sale bud.
  7. Try this mate http://shootingcommunity.co.uk/pigeonshooting.htm jase.
  8. I`m thinking of selling my weihrauch hw90k what should I be asking for It It Is only a few months old and has only had around 60 pellets through It. Weihrauch hw90k .22 sound moderator Hawke 4x12x50 HD mildot scope camo sling and lens covers. All In excellent condition with no dings or dents. This Is not a for sale thread I merely want to know what the gun Is worth Thanks In advance jase.
  9. Hi mate, I`m a shortar$e as well I managed to get a pair of 30" x30" realtree moleskin trousers by searching egay Only cost about £10 brand new with tags Found these ones... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Realtree-Cargo-Trous...A1%7C240%3A1318 jase.
  10. I just traded my webley & scott semi auto In today and that was a good solid reliable gun. Mines was a 12g but they do come In 20g as well and you should be able to buy a brand new one for under £400. jase.
  11. dc5


    their there if you know what your looking for where abouts in scotland you from Hi mate, I`m from west lothian (In between edinburgh and glasgow) jase.
  12. dc5


    Hi mate, It depends on what time of the day you are out and about at. For deer rabbits and fox you should really be out at dark 'o' clock. As for hares (good luck) as they are very few and very hard to find I`ve only saw one out In the field whilst pigeon shooting. jase.
  13. broke ass plonkers Charming mate
  14. Try visiting your permission at different times of the day and look for flight lines. Both shells and full bodied work with shells being a bit cheaper to buy. I like to have my face and hands covered as It`s like shining a torch up at them. I try and stick to a fairly wide horseshoe pattern with the decoys facing Into the wind. Get yourself some hide poles and a cammo net and If you are going after pigeons put a couple of crows on the outside of your pattern as they seem to give the pigeons more confidence to come In. Hope this helps mate.
  15. Where did you buy the flocking kit from mate?
  16. Hi guys and gals, I`m jase and I`m from west lothian scotland. I just got Into shooting about 6 months ago after a day at the clays. I have been to the clays a few times now and been out for the crows with one of my mates. I currently have a nice 20g zoli o/u and a webley & scott semi auto. I have a week off work soon so I`m going to visit a few local farms to try and gain some permissions. Roll on august and hopefully I`ll get a few outings on the crows and pigeons with my mate. jase.
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