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Everything posted by FLATTOP

  1. Just bought myself an investarm single barrel 12 guage hushpower used with hushpower subsonics i can describe as loud as a spring on an air rifle brilliant gun it surprised me how quiet it is not a great pic off of a phone.
  2. My mates family organize shoots and i cant believe what they charge and what people are quite happy too pay what absolute nonsense ( the prices) i feel lucky being able to mooch on permission and shoot what pops up.
  3. I agree boots with the hold i was taught to hold them like that lessens the chance of being bitten.
  4. I did not want to remain anonymous but this knee bandage fell on my head .
  5. After you send off your money and form it can take up to six weeks for the firearms officer to contact you for a meeting to check you out and see your cabinet if he is happy you get your certificate in a matter of days.
  6. Bought mine for about 40 quid with ten year guarantee never let me down quality item .
  7. Great looking bitch sounds like a great mating i wish you every success with the pups sure to make the grade. All the best Bill.
  8. Definetley check out the rear floor for rot i had a 300 tdi auto awesome offroad but in hindsight i would not get a auto again it was as slow as a boat. Got myself an old SJ410 suzuki now goes anywhere credit crunch 4x4ing .
  9. I agree with the slow approach took my 13 month old patterdale bitch on a few digs lately she entered after a bit of encouragement and run the holes but we put an experienced dog in and he soon had the game in a very tight spot on one dig,i think the more you put in the more you get out mixed with good breeding you should not go wrong . All the best Bill.
  10. Sounds like you have a lot of energy to burn when you are on the drink, sounds extreme but ever considered doing the Tough guy competition when you get into the training regime you wont even consider ruining what you are preparing for i have done it three times two winters and a summer took my mind off of everything. All the best Bill. http://www.toughguy.co.uk/home.shtml
  11. I failed to declare a criminal damage offence 21 years ago and the firearms officer brought it up when he visited nothing is ever spent when going for FAC or SGC i got my certificate i am glad to say.
  12. Theres a book you can buy which tells you the price of good condition vinyl for example i have Alice coopers killer with the 1972 calendar still attached about £30 you will be surprised what they fetch, i also have all the crass albums japs go mad for them.
  13. I used to have a TDI 300 discovery auto and i hated it too slow too juicy but could not fault it off road, i now have a 21 year old SJ410 suzuki but its used purely for hunting and i love it its been raised big off road tyres and chequer plate everywhere cheap to purchase and cheap tax insurance and mpg what more could you ask for
  14. I also got it in one if your into dogs its not too hard the tail gave it away for me.
  15. Last season myself and a few pals had a bit of a run in with antis and we ended up on the front page of the HSA hunt saboteurs website they will do anything to discredit our sport that why i think it makes sense to keep anonymous.
  16. Looks a cross between a fox and a hare would be nice to get a expert to look at it and unravel the mystery.
  17. Lovely looking pup good luck with him.
  18. I do my patterdale myself finger and thumb and just keep pulling away takes a while but she looks good after, and you only get rid of the dead hair someone told me the other day cover her coat in powdered chalk and it comes out better.
  19. Thanks for the comments heres a couple more how i got her to stand still god only knows.
  20. I have got some other pics but i exceeded the limit waiting for me lad to get home to show his old man how to reduce them .
  21. Heres a pic of my patterdale bitch at 11months shes out of worker to worker hopefully she will see some work herself this coming season pic was off of a phone me camera died.
  22. Hello mate i have tried to get my 11 month old patterdale bitch on to the raw diet but she just mucks about with it and throws it around the garden, the tinned stuff she dont want to know and i am glad because its rubbish so what i have done is boil up chicken quarters, liver sausages and vegatables i remove all the chicken bones put some gravy into the stock bag it all up into individual bags and this keeps her going for about two weeks i also give her biscuits does not cost more than about three quid and she cant get enough of it i will put a pic of her up soon she is looking good on it.
  23. Hello every one have been using the guest facility on here for a while thought it was time i joined up . I used to be a member of the working earthdog site but unfortunately as some of you know it shut down' i shoot i have a rizzini over and under and i follow a local hunt in Essex and i have myself a 11 month patterdale bitch and the vehicle i use for hunting is a 21 year old SJ410 suzuki oh and i have a funny haircut hope to be speaking to you all soon on the forums .
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