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Everything posted by FLATTOP

  1. The film was crap but the book was very good he has not killed anyone and i do believe he has broken quite a few fitness records whilst inside' the man should be given a break and be let out but its been 37 years now and he is going to take some adjusting' there is a petition on his website to free him but judging by some of the previous posts there wont be a queue to sign it.
  2. Cheers mate contacted local gun shop and they believe it to be a 1/10 its not easy information to come by.
  3. Would anyone know the twist rate in brownings A bolt composite series 2 with a 20" barrel in .223 calibre any info gratefully appreciated.
  4. I reckon if there was a gathering of members on here it would turn into a massive punch up considering the amount of bitching that goes on here very entertaining it would be.
  5. Its very tidy good luck with it my one has 80/20 off road tyres on it and i have hardly had to use the 4x4 they are that good malatesta kobras very good tyres.
  6. Sorry to hear he is not well extremely knowledgeable gun shop was in their about a month ago discussing reloading hope he gets better soon.
  7. Glad you got the job mate great start to a new year jobs must be hard to come by where you live.
  8. The bloke has hit your dog with a lump of wood and the pisstaker now now wants you to pay his vet bills he's lucky he is'nt my neighbour cant believe your being so nice.
  9. One candlepower equivalent equals 12.57 lumens so i make that just over 143 candlepower.
  10. I thought it was easy reading' i have read some of the Sean Frain stuff and i thought i was going to have to dig my eyes out with a spoon because i was so bored.
  11. I know its been out a while now but i have just read breaking through and i really thought it was a good read the chapters on digging under the railway made me laugh as i am a railway worker and could relate to what could have happened. John if you are out there bloody good read mate.
  12. My wife was on strike i still think he's great he made a comment about people committing suicide on the railways but that seems to have dipped under the radar.
  13. Look up the new cree Q5 its displayed in a brown box on e-bay the reason i say that is because there are many versions its got a charger and rechargeable battery £22 and then go on the cluite cluson site and get yourself a 25mm/30mm gun light holder i have just tried my mates one its the nuts and wont break the bank.
  14. My mate bought a cheap one off e-bay and it literaly fell apart he replaced it with a deben myself i have a harris buy once cry once .
  15. I managed to catch a bit of ade edmunsons band at the Great British Beer Festival this year a folk rock band electric mandolins and all that' he has come a long way since viv the punk rocker.
  16. Would love to know if he had any takers sounds like a wind up to me or the blokes the biggest piss taker in the world.
  17. I have had a sj410 they dont understand getting stuck awesome motors good luck with your project its a nice looking one.
  18. I was on a program in the seventies called man alive and i was also on flog it when the show came to chelmsford and i have also been on sky sports as well talking about Harry Rednapp being the next England manager bit of a celebrity really .
  19. Dances with wolves when the indian is shouting on the hilltop at the end of the film and i know its allready been mentioned but the ending of the last samuri when the japanese army respect the samuri absolutely gutting.
  20. I have the 16"varmint barrel CZ so i am biased but i have friends who have the sako and i dont think there is much in difference the bolt sticks out more on the quad'also with second hand you dont know the history of the gun how many rounds have been down the barrel ect new CZ all day.
  22. Mine is coat hangers they freak me out and a mate of mine is scared of dwarves to the point of he cant be in the same room as one
  23. Might sound silly but are there any cats on the farm they love killing birds just a thought.
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