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Everything posted by FLATTOP

  1. Top job there mate I haven’t seen that many in ages.
  2. Get yourself on there books Kieth for an exchange there’s plenty of people who are after a quieter life especially after this pandemic, trust me I live in Essex it’s busy and definitely not a place to be on the street, Colchester is busy but some of the surrounding areas are not bad Tiptree Misteley spring to mind.
  3. It’s funny talking about common deaths one cause of death every year is a gimme wait for it rescuing a dog that has gone through the ice on a frozen lake or other body of water always the same result dog rescues it self human dies never ceases to amuse me at the stupidity of people.
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8357183/Big-cat-loose-North-London-escaping-mansion-Billionaires-Row.html

    Pm advisor

    We’ve been there done that and all worn the T-Shirt lol do a search let’s just say he won’t be winning any popularity competitions on here...

    Pm advisor

    Is this right, bloody hypocrisy

    Pm advisor

    It’s a Manhunt against the bloke because they know he is orchestrating Brexit and it isn’t going their way getting him out of the way the remainers and lefties will be jumping for joy. The scenes outside his house today were disgusting the press are scum why weren’t the police called they were breaking every social distancing rule out there exactly what they were accusing him of doesn’t it apply to them then.
  8. So sorry to hear about this Mac life is bloody unfair, your right it does make you wonder what life is all about when you’ve got scumbags running amok with no comebacks, Cancer seems to have hit every family I know including my own it is horrible and merciless, try and keep strong mate.
  9. I use this stuff apparently it’s quite popular in the USA, I soak my bore snake in it and pull through about 3 times it cleans it really well I only do this 2/3 times a year maximum, and if you read ant the bottom of the pot it says it removes copper and all other nasties. And that is in about 12 years of mouse gun ownership same gun CZ 452 .17 Varmint Barrel.
  10. I’m not the only one then, this one really gets to me I look at it and think f**k off I don’t know why so so annoying.
  11. I get what you mean I’m not a great fan of moderators but I’ve got the 16” barrel without it it looks tiny.
  12. Funny you say that I took my Mod apart the other day it was very very dirty but nothing a wire brush and cleaner couldn’t sort out, I went out last night first time since cleaning it and it was so much quieter than normal I thought I’d shot a squib round so there I was bolt out looking up the barrel but no all fine, they are a funny old round and I know your a great fan Mr Sausage ?
  13. The .17 is a filthy round I’ve owned mine over ten years and I only clean the barrel very occasionally, I find when I do it mucks up zero but settles down after a few rounds have been put through it ( gets dirty again ) the rest of the gun I keep very clean bolt trigger ect.
  14. Looks good that mate very skilled it’s got a medieval look about it.
  15. Vasilly got slapped long live Vasilly he had a good reign, I would pay to watch this in this country but knowing our lot it would end in a drunken brawl.
  16. I’ve been watching this slapping business for a while the Russians have got it nailed and Vasilly is the man, if you’ve an interest in this search Penguinz0 on YouTube he’s got loads of mixes and clips on his channel and his commentary is insane lol...
  17. I used to use one quite regularly when I used to kite buggy nothing worse than sticking the wrong size kite up in strong winds you get dragged all over the place, useful little things.
  18. What happened to the international man of mystery Mackem loved his posts And years ago I was on a terrier site just called the Patterdale site some of the members on there were on here but a lot have disappeared along the way I think Lab was a member on there and on here but i haven’t seen him post in years. Another member we lost recently Jiggy he came across as a nice guy Rip.
  19. This is awkward to watch but I’ve met white people like this, it’s sad be yourself, Wolfdog if your wondering where this came from it’s a show in the UK called Little Britain it breaks every political correctness rule lol there’s talk of it coming back but I’m sure it will be a watered down version.
  20. Their ancestors will be spinning in their graves ( Longships ) you know what I mean lol....
  21. Class I’ve just burst out laughing and the ole woman’s staring at me and wondering why.... Apparently the body absorbs the unwanted spunk it’s so wrong lol....
  22. The dull ache pain is common also I found lumps, I got them checked out Dr said where they cut the tubes the body still produces sperm and gathers at the end of the cut tubes hence the lumps. He actually said to me I bet you wear boxers I said yeah he said give them up for something that supports your sack I’ve never looked back no more dull aches or pain, there you go a bit of ballbag tuition ?.
  23. Good old days mate I remember the Hells Angels had there own little bit full of camper vans and their bikes were towed there I suppose to show, but I remember meeting in the local lanes and clubs racing clubs early in the morning and what is it with bikers and whizz lol we’ve all been there good thread this I could probably write a book about my carry ons ?...
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