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Everything posted by pugwash2008

  1. cant get on line half the time so if intrested call 07789256899
  2. if it was no good i wold not give a trial before you had it
  3. forgot to say she 23 inchs to shoulder and iv oly lamped rabbits
  4. collie whippet greyhound x saluki whippet grehound and im nr telford
  5. lurcher bitch 2 year old brindle retreives live back to hand work forces sale just aint got the time for the dog £300 with trial
  6. heres some more pics not the best as off me phone dam
  7. couple of pics some have abit more white on chest then the pup in pic
  8. first x beddlington whippet will be ready in two weeks will make about 21-22 inchs both parents great workers in the field only 1 dog and 1 bitch both black £150 each
  9. hi all new to the site had lurchers many years ago and im looking to start up again so im on the look out for a lurcher and just wanted to say hi
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