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Flying Ferrets

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About Flying Ferrets

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 19/08/1986

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    Ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets, get the picture?<br /><br />altso reading/writing, playing music, photo and painting
  1. I'm sorry you see it like that, I didnt mean to ruin the topic for you. And thats if for me, now you can get the last word for what its worth.
  2. I do get your point, I just dont want to go on and on about this
  3. well what can I say, we have different points of view I think I said what I wanted to already.
  4. LOL, Yeah, it makes me laugh, yet i have to agree with countryboy on this one.... How many times have we heard on here people say, " i,d go round and break there legs, etc" Or " i'd shoot the b*****d", or "if that farmer did that to me i'd blar blar blar. Now this guy reckons he would smash a scull over a ferret!!! Surely you have had worse things happen to you throughout your life than your ferret getting nicked olddog?? So come on how years have you done behind bars!!?? You never here anybody cominmg on sayinmg "well, i've done it" ive broke the fuckers arms, and now i'm going down..
  5. this is just sick! It has happened a few times that peoples ferrets have been stolen here, but that was ferrets inside houses, and i think they were sold as pets. Thats just crazy because an adult ferrets is not worth that much money, not even here. But sometime some brainles greenpeacefanatics lets ferrets out from the outside cages because they think they are supposed to live in freedom or some bs like that... I think I would find myself capable of almost anything if someone ever did anything like that with my ferrets and I found the ones who did it. I hope you'll find your ferret
  6. they need protein AND fat. in dry food about 18-20% fat for an active ferret and as much protien as possible, no less than 30% then the dry food is no good. Maybe that sounds like a lot, but dry food is very compact and they will also drink a lot of water, Wwen they get meat theres a lot of water in it so the fat should be around 6-7% Theres a difference in ferrets and some will need less fat, some more. But this is their general need.
  7. that should be ok. You should not give them ox to often because theres someting in the ox fat wich will stay in the ferret and can cause kidney damage if theres to much. But once in while its good, just not as bacis food. Minced meat has a lot of bacterias in it, but a healthy ferret will have no problem eating it. A weak ferret might get sick. Dry food is not that bad, but I'm sure that meat is a lot better. Here in denmark ferrets often die from cancer in a young age, and besides for the fact that most ferrets are kept inside here, Im sure that it is also related to the food. I give
  8. Do you have only one ferrets? Why don't you get him some compagny? buy or get another ferret and then try going with both, to see if its only him or if you are just really unlucky with the rabbits...
  9. OMG Thats classic! and omg is btw oh my god and btw is by the way
  10. I have a ferret who turned quite fat... so fat I was starting to worry (read: really really fat.. ). I gave her some rabbit and other meat low on fat, when she was alone, so she wasnt hungry and wouldnt eat much of the meat the others got. I haven't relly been that strict, so shes still choppy, but I think it did her good. Now I'm not worried that she will have a heart attach every time I see her move. And of course they need to get a lot of exercise. In general ferrets are allowed to be a little choppy in the winter.
  11. Don't they look pretty Starting a new fashion?
  12. I'll suggest that to her Thanks. but it seems like she thinks the hunt is good for the ferrets... It's a little like talking to a door. I hoped maybe some had a picture of a ferret hurt by a rat that would talk its own language, but I'll try and talk to her again and suggest the rat traps.
  13. actually they eat dry food and I think she never tried to feed them dead mice/rats because shes afraid of killing the mice/rats. I already told her its not really leagal that way she wants to do it, but she think its good for her ferrets to hunt the rats and she wont believe that a rat can hurt a ferret... The mice she also just lets loose in the caravan for the ferrets to hunt. I think thats wrong too, but with the rats I'm afraid it could end badly for the ferrets? Even though maybe she would learn something from that, its not fair to the ferrets. I think they would eat dead mice if sh
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