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About TRF-JRs

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Thanks for the heads up, on the website itself or ring through?
  2. Anyone selling a porta-mag? Cash waiting, cheers
  3. Anyone in the Yorkshire region have any active drop boxes that wouldn't mind PM'ing me?
  4. As has been said already £600 for pups with an average dam I am not surprised after all the bitch line plays the biggest part in the outcome IMHO. Never ceases to amaze me how some people think putting a bin dog to a champion warrants prices like that not saying yours is that's just a general comment. I sold a litter of cockers earlier in the year £200 a pup 3/4 of the litter sold before she dropped them, all to working homes as well. Drop your prices a bit even £100 less would probably help atb with your sale.
  5. Oops sorry he's only got L/W left didn't read your post properly
  6. I had this problem in my cockers first season. She was steady at the beginning but slowly started to push it, by the end of the season if you gave her an inch she would take a mile . I have spent all summer working on it and am happy to say this season so far it has not been a problem, she has watched rabbits/hares away so it is fixable but you need to be really consistant (and patient ). First thing I started with was back down to basics, after a while you might notice the dog does in fact know these very well so then move onto a rabbit pen. Some people overuse these and the dog just gets
  7. Openshaw and Whitehouse have some nice dogs. As askiro said, if you're not lucky enough to get hold of one of their dogs direct look for a bitch that has the lineage there and one that's put to a dog you like. If you're interested in progressing onto trialing go to a few trials and find a dog you like and ask about the breeding/whether they're planning any future litters.
  8. If you're mainly wildfowling - a lab for sure. I know a few spaniels that are capable but really it's best to get the right dog for the job initially if you can
  9. cracking dog, my cockers grandsire!
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