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56 Excellent


  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 03/01/1966

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  • Interests
    working dogs / hunting / shooting /

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  1. Wherever it is it is always going to be too far for someone,we can't please everyone.
  2. Sunday 9th August EDRD Show and finals.To be held at Bodrochwyn Fawr, Llanfair Road ,Abergele, North Wales. LL22 8PD. Last chance to qualify for Lurchers,Terriers and Whippets from 11am. Championships for above to follow as soon as last chance to qualify classes are finished. Bull cross championship to follow Lurcher championship. Digging competition to start before open show. Open Lurcher,Terrier and Whippet show to start approx 1pm. For enquiries call Danny on 07796615260 Sorry no camping.
  3. Qualifiers Having trouble with my emails Here's a link to print and pass on https://www.dropbox.com/s/raads8wew1vgyhi/2015%20EDRD%20FULL%20SET..doc?dl=0
  4. just back from the field . once my head settles illl get some photos up . thank you all for attending some good dogs as usual weather could have been better but there's no fighting nature
  5. lets get ready to rumble .........show field up and sorted .....lads get your digging spades oiled up.... £100 quid up for grabs ...bulldog shovels....and a couple of beers to the winning teams......hope to c u tomorrow ...come wind ..or shine......or even fking bertha lol
  6. all qualifiers posted now watch the letter box if you dont get yours give me a call and let me know i will do my best to sort it out . still a few landing but we will not get the paperwork out to you now but you will be on the list
  7. still waiting for some shows to send the details back its getting late so email me them the details are at the beginning of this thred
  8. yes thats the wrong post code wf169db leeds road on the a62 yes there is a digging contest if we have any takers .. randolf are you makeing one in what about you ali
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