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devon flighter

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Everything posted by devon flighter

  1. agree ,but aint going to happen theres to much greed now !!!!!! would be interesting to know just how many are taken now compared to say 10 years back ,never going to be possible but interesting !
  2. For a wank or a shit?? spose it depends on how well the dogs done!!!
  3. in all fairness what pratty said could be thought provoking ! they are hit from all sides now, and more and more people are coming into the sport they are most peoples introduction to field sports being relatively cheap and easy to accsess plus all the environmental pressures man made and otherwise it aint good for them and us !!
  4. what sort of money are the benellis now ?
  5. quite a few about then ,they used to come after the ducks on a small river we walked waded and fell in for miles great crack but needed more dogs was on for a hidding to nothing really with labs ,would like to see a few more terriers and something a bit bigger like maybe a gwp or 2 in the pack trouble is now the bodys fecked
  6. same here ,i do see way more hares, roe "and foxes"than rabbits ! this is on shooting land and i know for a fact other than the foxes nowt ground game wise has really been touched other than by vehicles for over 20 years ,its common to see 8+ hares on a lot of fields at night and during the day ! buzzards have gone up probably 10 fold over the last few years and used to see brock once or twice a year now its almost a twice nightly occurrence
  7. i wouldnt mind using my gwp for a bit of mooching and maybe my gwp x lab in a pack given the chance,the gwps done most bits and pieces but the cross has been mainly a stalking dog ,quite a few years back i had a couple of labs and a couple of borders and we had some great fun doing "or trying to do" mink on a couple of rivers along with other things that cropped up, then we moved and i sort of went sideways with my sport more towards shooting and being honest i enjoyed it at the time and it did what was needed for a keeper but deep down its watching the dogs work thats at the heart of it for
  8. yup they recon you save money by reloading mmmmmmmm you probably would if you still shot your normal couple of boxes a year ! AINT IT FUN THOUGH
  9. I was only ever planning 6 chooks for a few eggs ! so were we ! though half a dozen for the kitchen and sell a few eggs towards the food, YEAH RIGHT
  10. So you having had both would you say that the howa is as accurate with home loads as the tikka with factory or are they both as good with factory the caliber I will be getting is 22-250 by the way first my tikka was a 25-06 and i put a boyds thumbhole stock on it and glass and pillar bedded it ,my howa is a 223 in a boyds thumbhole stock glass and pillar bedded ,so other than caliber the same ,the tikka shot 3/4" at 100 with ppu in either its plastic bendy stock in the boyds tweaked stock it shot under 1/2" with ppu the howa shot the same groups with the boyds stock and some old 223 ammo
  11. , hindsight is a great thing. aint it just
  12. tell me about it i thought id get a few banty's a couple of years back gamefowl bug has got hold
  13. ill give it a try if i get the land ,suppose its only going to be the turkeys if anything ? softly softly bit at a time and start small
  14. so basically worm everything from day 1 and it should be ok ?
  15. just noticed the similartiy of your avtar to mine
  16. i dont like the fact you backs feked griff just your post being a truth re damage possible
  17. had the same issues with my gwp basically did what HL said and kept moving back from him when he had a hold ,took a bit of time but sorted now ,just stick with it
  18. I wonder how many good dogs get passed on as no good? My mate got a dog that was "no good" turned out to be 100% bitch, we dug to it for years, never saw her quit anything, just needed time. recon your spot on there truther ,folks are in too much rush these days to give dogs a chance to mature "to much of an instant world now , or is it just me getting to be an old git !"
  19. had a tikka it shot faultlessly with factory and home loads but if the howa means home loading go with the howa ,you then have the option of tweaking the load to suit .i also shoot a howa now
  20. about £640 i think from the sportsman at exeter "we used to live down there" but were going back possibly 7-8 years now ,mines the 3.5" and camo i think it a 28" barrel ,its used for wildfowl and general foxing,pigeons rough shooting and general pesting and the odd clays "generally used and abused" ! but its worn very well and still no major signs of ware on the coating
  21. cheers rabid ,i fancied growing a few turkeys on for xmas but because were limited with land and i keep fowl ive put it off ! do you free range them together , what area of land are they on, how many of each, are they cooped together and are the fowl on the same ground permanently ? sorry for a million questions but theres a chance i could be getting a bit extra land and this would be good to try
  22. sx3 every time ! mine feeds off anything i give it and to be honest im not the best for cleaning them ,had mine now for a few years and wouldnt change it
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