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devon flighter

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Everything posted by devon flighter

  1. i know tbh i will buy some in, but its a bit like tying flys for fishing "its just something i want to do" there the same, cheap as chips but tying your own you can tweak them to suit
  2. years back i did a bit of dapping on loch sheil "things were much better then " exciting method but so frustrating ! 2 of us in a boat, 1 on the dap and one fishing a team of wets covering any fish risen by the dap oh for a re do of those days !
  3. thanks for that ,am i right at 20 mesh wide thats about 40" wide give or take ? i appreciate it wont be right for every one but if its a usefull size it will give me something to practice on to start me off ,what weight twine do you use for yours
  4. do any of you guys fish the loughs with mayfly ?, years ago i remember watching a program "in fact ive got it on video somewhere" about fishing the loughs with a live mayfly, the anglers caught them at the shore edge and kept then in a small wooden purpose made box then hooked them through the thorax for the dap pictures or reminiscences would be great ,do you still get any appreciable hatches ?
  5. im about to start doing a bit of ferreting next season and would like to make my own nets up over the summer if i can , whats a good average size to start making and whats the best weight twine to start with please and does colour affect the catch rate or is it a case of if a rabbits got a ferret up its arse it dont make no odds lol. nowt to technical im a total newbie
  6. good idea there with the drum centers , tidy job as well
  7. Would there be no noticeable difference at all between a 4 and an 8 baffle mod on the .22 hornet? Say weight and length was irrelevant and you needed the quietest .22 centre fire possible would it not be worth putting an 8 baffle on a hornet, changing the subject slightly but is a well moderated .22hornet any quieter than say a well moderated .222 or .223? YES definitely
  8. yes they are proofed for up to .22 hornet https://www.tacfiresystems.co.uk/store/rifle-accessories/rimfire-moderators/a-tec-cmm-4-rimfire/ How do they perform in the field? I've a T8 on my hornet. The main benefits for me was their size !not much more than a normal small rimmy mod so balance is no where as bad if your carrying the rifle (no having the muzzle keep dragging back down), they do ok on noise suppression but probably not in the league of the bigger mods, they do a decent to good job of hiding muzzle flash if you use nv or shoot at night ,and they are cheap ! as i say though y
  9. yes they are proofed for up to .22 hornet https://www.tacfiresystems.co.uk/store/rifle-accessories/rimfire-moderators/a-tec-cmm-4-rimfire/
  10. imagine spelling that out phonetically if there was a mayday would be sunk by the time then name was out
  11. no sweat jok, not got the ferrets yet as long as ready for season no probs at all .
  12. ni nice dogs,i used to know someone who had 2 crossed with gwps ,superb dogs and very biddable
  13. i used a cmm4 rimfire mod on mine pros cheap, cons jacksons wont guarantee replacement ,worked just fine ! i used it mainly to hide muzzle flash when using nv
  14. got the spuds in today ,waiting for the seeds sown last week to germinate now and grow on a bit ,then onto the next round of seed sowing
  15. let them have a clutch jok whats to lose ? a couple of handfuls of corn !
  16. given a choice green please but whatever would be fine
  17. wouldnt mind a poacher ferret box jok if youve still the notion to do another , no rush though just to suit you ! just pm me the price and how you want paying
  18. top class that griff ! looks to be a perfect skinning knife ,i like the file work and the handle curve looks like it will be very comfy in use
  19. onions sets and shallots in, lettuce ,leaves,leeks"a bit late i know" celery,broad beans peas,cauli,calibresse,red cabbage ,sprouts ,peppers "sweet and jalapeno " and tomato's sown ,and kelsae onions potted on hopefully get the spuds in next week ,hope this weather lasts
  20. i only ever saw 1 picture and that was just how it looked ,cant fault the guy ! i was just confirming the foxing when you sent the text cm ,hence the delay ! it could be a bit of a bigger job than i thought ,really looking forward to it
  21. do you have any hens for him jok ?
  22. spot on that gaz ,i will see if i can find some pics out from way back "i will need to scan them first though and technology aint one of my strong points" i used to go mink hunting well thats what i said i was doing at the time ,i had 2 borders 2 labs and a mates springer ,we used to hunt a local stream summer times for a bit of something to do mostly wading and falling over ,never did get the hang of it but boys and muts had shed loads of fun,bones wont let me do it now but theres a bit of a plan forming for a bit of foxing next season when i can use the quad ! i seem to have gone full circl
  23. spot on alround YET AGAIN jok ! chicken man only needs to breed something worth showing now INCOMING ! HATS ON
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