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devon flighter

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Everything posted by devon flighter

  1. very nice, is it colour washed or just the natural light
  2. had an sx3 (a 3 shot) for years as well cant fault it ,i hate it because its an auto and made of plastic, but it never fails and i shoot better with it than anything else ive owned !!! "plastic fantastic" used and abused and still looks good
  3. tidy looking set up there eley with your pens ! i had a small early hatch from a grey stag crossed with a partridge pullet and a grey pullet, looks like i got a grey stag and pullet and what looks like a stag heading towards duckwing from them "but to early just yet to tell !,then i also got another small hatch of brown red cockrell to black hen and partridge hens im ,expecting a hatch later this week from the grey stag to partridge hen and another grey stag to a ginger hen under a broody, and yesterday set a partridge broody on 6 grey eggs and 6 wheaten hen to brown red cockrell eggs if that
  4. they do give of way less scent though when sitting as far as im aware
  5. yes litteraly everything can make a difference, a shooting friend last week was working a load up and a difference of just 3 th in length of round made a difference of groups at around 7" down to 3/4" all primers have different burn rates "just like powder" and it all makes a difference to pressure and accuracy ,like tremo said its adictive and your now gripped NOW ESCAPING NOW no cure available !
  6. bit of a thought provoker that ,be interesting seeing the outcome on this !
  7. i read a while back about soaking peas in parrafin before sowing ! does it work and do they still germinate ok?
  8. ive started some in the greenhouse this year to hopefully help with the little fury fekkers ,they decimated me last year ! they still managed to dig 3 up in the gh ,then i went on a moose hunt 2 nill to the big white hunter
  9. always fancied a few about as well ,are they just noisy with disturbance ? ,what are the eggs like for eating ive heard they are quite good
  10. cheers for that ,always liked them though always seemed a bit skittish ,nice eating as well
  11. You may think this sounds funny but i know of someone that keeps a couple of geese in his garden along with the fowl and if anyone or anything enters they kick up an awful racket,b*****ds would deafen you,better than any alarm. Guinea Fowl are great for this too, Jesus the racket they make if any unfamiliar folk are about! how would the gleanies be on open grass or are they better in woodland? just a thought as i may be getting a small bit of extra land to free range a few hens on ,were about most of the time and when were are the dogs are about but something a bit vocal is alway
  12. a combination of these 2, maize trails all leading onto a good straw ride/clearing with shelter and a hopper
  13. others may disagree but if it looks ok inside, once its loaded and fired in your gun it will more than likely fire form to your chamber fine and the marks will be gone,the important part is the neck which to me looks good .depends really just how desperate for the cases you are ,ive reloaded worse but you must decide yourself on what to do
  14. yep same as mine ,im not into the fineries of loading and if something works for me then thats all i ask ! one thing, it lasts ages and still works well ,enjoy it ,nice to produce nice shinny rounds probably dont shoot any better but still nice !
  15. sounds like corn to me ! light sage green ish ?
  16. same here jigsaw not opened but your comments
  17. thanks t1, im not started yet, next season will my first im just starting to kit myself out ready ! the permission i have access to so far will be about 50/50( hedge bottoms /whin bushes/overgrown banks) and open burries ,just want to knit something that wont be a waste of time and materials really ,cant be doing with waste ! hopefully one of the guys that will be out with me will pipe up on here .
  18. and good boxes they are to ! light ,compact and sit nice and close in "not to noticeable" not that im condoning poaching
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