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devon flighter

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Everything posted by devon flighter

  1. potted on the tomatos and broad beans today could do with the weather picking up a bit now
  2. ocean are not to bad size wise or price
  3. cooper discoverer st's on my landy ,not got stuck yet ,wear well but not the quietest on the road but theres always going to be a compromise
  4. Wish they hurry up and move north, Scarborough Filey area would be far enough. and a bit further and then left a touch
  5. seagull's cant beat them ,i think they were designed for the army could be fixed with a lump hammer and a screw driver and run on anything below sae 90 lol BUT they always got you out of trouble ,thats if you could stand the stench from the exhaust ,many fond memories ,the seahog boats were very stable and popular i always fancied one myself if i remember thay used to be available as a package from somewhere up lancashire way with ex rnli recon engines ,yes 30kn is fast on water aint it hard at that speed for someithing so soft that you can swim in thats one of the reasons i had to give
  6. well done and nice write up ! never shot one myself but here they can take a bit of stopping !,how do you find them to stop with boiler room shots
  7. nowt here yet ,though weathers been bad today but last few been cracking and thought i may have seen some !
  8. any softness and if you can your best ripping it out and re doing it was something my mate got me to appreciate ! at the end of the day its usually easier and theres no nagging doubts if you get caught in some "wobbly water " 20+miles out ! it was quite satisfying though got to admit
  9. it was literally a bare hull with 2 stringers in it when i got it "it was a guy that used to work at tremletts that laid the hull for his own use " the arch was a tremlett build but all the rest i did myself and had some guidance off a friend who did high end car bodywork ,all the teak trim was split down recycled park benches ,2 birth and chemical loo in the front a pop up galley in the cabin ,it was very economical on power "due to it being an offshore class 2 hull it did 35kn+ with the 115 and cruised at 30kn at 3/4 throttle i built it originally to get to the wrecks as we were held ba
  10. some of my past boats first proper boat a treeve 17 built like a tank and a massive beam very seaworthy i put a fiberglass cuddy on later i will try and find some pics ,a cracking inshore trolling boat not the best of pics grass is always greener so i built /fitted out a fast offshore tremlett 21 hull from this bare hull to this then had this trophy had a few more fishing boats of various descriptions in between and a drasscombe lugger
  11. i know one thing ant which ever way you go it will cost jok a couple of mate dive we had some great bbq's on the beach fresh fish from us fisherman and scallops,lobster and crabs of the dive guys ! good memories
  12. never used lead core in the salt ,just a light lead and long trace inshore for pollack,bass and mackeral,used lead core a bit trying for ferox trout ! thats another game though and one i would like to continue with soon ! i just like fishing from boats lol something about the freedom they give ! used to put a couple of prawn pots out when the tides were right for us
  13. quite a few of my pics need scanning first "pre digital" ill have a shot at sorting some out tomorrow,i used to enjoy the inshore trolling myself with a sandeel and the drifting over the wreaks ,always got a buz from the sounder when the wreak started to come up with the anticipation of the fish !
  14. here you go lads save derailing single barrels thread again ! tell us about your boats and how you used them ! i started when we moved down devon 20 years back tried for a change of life style( but now returned to the old one) ! first boat was a treeve 16' that was used for inshore reef fishing and trolling for bass,pollack and mackeral along the east devon coast ,then the bug got hold bad and wanted something to get to the mid channel wreaks (grass always greener) so built a tremlett 21 offshore racing hull into a fast offshore fisher ! then progressed to a bayliner trophy ,unfortu
  15. probably hooked for life now !that will teach him, slippery slope and no return ,no cash and no time from now on
  16. good stable fishing boat that ! put some pics up when done "last comment to save derailing thread"
  17. cracking looking birds mo ! an nowt wrong with them pics at all ! you should see my attempts at tacking pics
  18. you look to be on a max load according to quick load and only 200 bar from max (be carefull) all depending on barrel length and case volume and what i can pick up from thread !.you have a pm
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