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Everything posted by punydan

  1. Hi and welcome, spring guns can be tricky, I know only to well. Try to be as consistant as posible with your hold and genarally a light grip is better than a firm one as this allows the rifle to recoil, like a canon.Also try to find a club to join as there will be lots of knowlegable people to help and give advice. Also it gives you lots of oppatunity to practise. Atb Dan. :welcomeani:
  2. punydan


    How the fook did this happen if you don't mind me asking? Just a concerned fiddler. Dan.
  3. Only the one but with on suite. Thanks for the positive feed back every one, I just hope my dogs are OK with the perspective hutch tenants. I have an eight month old jack russell (Daisy) who I hope to work with the ferts. Thanks again all, Dan.
  4. Thanks it was all free. To be honest I'm a carpenter by trade so a bit of a bus-mans holiday.( I've been a bus-man aswell (well conductor)) only need to felt the roof add some internal features for intrest and then I can source the residents.I thought I'd get them from mercia ferret welfare as it seems right to rehome unwanteds?
  5. Can't remember, its from christmas something overpriced and made from plastic (and now broken) for the kids.
  6. Nice one mate, and well done. I saw loads of bunnies on one of my permissions this morning ....... on my way to work
  7. Thanks again Sue, that was easy even for a 'puter dunce like me
  8. Thanks Sue. I wasn't sure this was ok for animals. Now, how do I resize a photo so I can upload it and include in post?
  9. Hello everyone! I have posted before but a while ago now, so a quick intro: I used to hunt as a nipper, up to about 20yrs ago then I discovered girls, booze and other things. Three yrs ago I aquired an allotment and discovered a pigeon problem so started shooting air rifle again :thumbs-up: I then gained some permission on a local farmers land, but difficult to shoot as its used extensivly by dog walkers etc. So to help the farmer out I thought I would take up ferreting again Any hoo I've built a hutch;(can't upload pic as to big?) and I wondered if any one could tell me the best tr
  10. Hello to everyone, obviuosly I'm new to this forum and as such I figured I best introduce my self. I am young virile thirty something who as a boy would spend days in the field with friend, ferret, dog and gun bagging anything and everything. Then girls happened and I dropped my youthful expliots, however just recently I aquired an allotment and have had cause to shoot some fellonuos pigeons (which by the way tasted wonderful), and now hope to get back into hunting again. At preaent I have use of a knock-down .22 air gun and hope to aquire a F.A.C. Anyway thats me so Hi.
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