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Everything posted by Nell

  1. Its been pissing it down here (Yorkshire) all week anyway, bloody weather!!
  2. He looks a belter mate, good luck with him, i'm sure you'll be fine!
  3. Nice pack of dogs you have there Gary!! Glad to see the terrier pup is doing OK, she is looking well!
  4. Fantastic shots there Skycat. Nice to see the young dogs progression!
  5. These are decent boxes, I have one myself, you can't go wrong at this price!
  6. Nell

    Rabbit Calling

    When out sqeaking foxes with an old friend of mine, we get a lot of hare in close from time to time, never a rabbit though, they just run the other way!!
  7. Get some NU-STOCK from C/D on here mate, I had a similar problem with my pup last year got some of this stuff on here and it cleared it within days! Top stuff!
  8. Good picture is that, if you had it a little more central, easier said than done, I know!! Nell
  9. Excellent reply there Foxdropper, I can relate to what you say 100% Personally I don't keep my terriers for any one particular type of quarry, in fact I use them for whatever the day brings but for all the 100% digging boys out there, keep the pics coming, it's always good to hear of other people's days out, whatever they are doing. All the best
  10. Just look at my signature!!
  11. Excellent lads, looks like a good day was had by all!!
  12. Magners for me too, to start off on, I can't stand that Bulmers, then Bacardi all through the night until the next morning
  13. Well done lads, some big rats being shown, I had a return ratting trip to the Pig Farm lined up for this morning, but due to the shitty weather we had to re-arrange for next tuesday. Plus at the end of January it'll be time to have a crack at another place we do after the shooting has finished, this place also has some big 'uns running around :showoff: :showoff:
  14. I have tried these in the past Bolio, same sort of method as using nylon rope, didn't find a problem with them, just found nylon rope easier to come across. BTW, that is a very smart dog you have there
  15. Absolutely spot on Millet mate , my sentiments exactly!!
  16. I don't know what you run mate, but I know that when my dog see's them eyes in the red filter (and I dont mean bunnies eyes either ), no matter how well trained he is, he wants to get at it, without a collar on it would be impossible to control him, with bailing twine wrapped round his neck, I would kill the poor b.astard!!!! With the bunnies he is fine, but with the red 'uns, he goes crazy, wouldn't want it any other way!!!!!
  17. It's either the camera angle or that pup has some head on it!! Very smart dogs though
  18. Do you all remember what it was like when you were young/first getting into this job and how keen we all were, are you all still as keen now? I remember when I first got into dogs about 10 years ago, Lamping was my first ever venture, I used to walk about a 15 mile round trip to have a decent nights lamping , and I nearly pissed myself with excitement when we squeaked our first fox in (well I was only 14 at the time!! ). When I was a little bit older I remember the day's when I would go lamping for a couple of hours, then go to work an 8 hour night shift, come home and go for a days rat
  19. It depends on other factors too, type of land you hunt, your main quarry, method of hunting etc. As for me, at the minute I have a lurcher/lurcher bred dog, I have owned for 5 years, a good friend of mine has bred the same type for 20 odd years, the dog has a lot of whippet in his make up and stands at just under 24 inch, he has takes rabbits with ease, has caught a few hares in his time (although obviously not great numbers!), regularly takes fox and even pulled 2 roe (one with assistance ) He has never let me down in the five years I have owned him. I have had bigger dogs in my time, so
  20. I couldn't imagine having nothing but bailing twine around my dogs neck, especially when he sees a pair of eyes in the red beam , he would cough and choke like an old man, always collar on for me and blue nylon rope as a slip, never had a problem I just couldn't control a dog without a collar on !
  21. Have you thought about a whippet or whippet X??? I think they would be much better suited for what you want mate
  22. Well done mate, it's a nice type of russell you have there, nice pics
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