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Everything posted by Nell

  1. Well I was going to keep my mouth shut, but.... I once aquired myself a Hancock bred bitch, she was 8 weeks old at the time, I paid £50 for her off a local lad, who had bought 2 but couldn't handle them after a week , a red merle 5/8 grey 3/8 collie. I bought this bitch knowing full well what sort of reputation these type of dogs were beginning to get, but thought to myself, what the hell. I already had a dog that was doing all I asked of him, so even if the dog didn't make the grade, I wasn't losing anything, but I did want so very much to prove everyone else wrong!! She was a good
  2. 18 is still a good bag for a couple of hours out mate, well done
  3. If you had a pound for every time someone asked you that eh?....... Fantastic pics, as always Moll, you must have quick reactions for when those bunnies bolt, I usually just kop for the back legs
  4. It isn't, you would want the fox caught, not chased up the field being shouted at!!!
  5. Bad!! Some people learn to live with it, but its not for me....... Edited to add: Its not always the dogs fault though, fair enough it can sometimes be put down to the wrong breeding, but by starting them too early I have seen this make a dog open up out of frustration.
  6. f*****g hell mate!! You've got the right attitude to be soon back out there!! All the best!
  7. Molly, is there nothing on E-Bay?
  8. Canaries Ditch, fantastic little birds. I'm quite keen on them myself, I keep mostly Rollers, wonderful little singers although I do have a few pairs of red factors for breeding next year. My collection only started with one bird a couple of years ago and has grown into a full time hobby since then (another one!!)
  9. healthy looking pups pockets
  10. Congratulations mate, all the best to you all
  11. Good luck, you'll enjoy it. Like the guys say, there is some good craic to be had over there!
  12. How can you ever advertise something through PM I hate peddlers as much as the next man and it does piss ya off a little when someone joins just to sell pups, but to get rid off the classifieds is just being silly IMO
  13. Cracking workmanship as always Wilky! You must have making these down to a fine art by now! Mine is still going strong and its now over a year old, anyone buying these wont be disappointed!
  14. Mods.....cant you just ban this bullshitting prick. Grow up you silly little child!! And come back when you know what your on about!
  15. He looks a beast lucky!! All the best with him!
  16. This place just gets better by the minute, next you will be setting another account up and making conversation with yourself
  17. Bloody hell Woodga you have had a bad day!!
  18. Nell

    The 80's

    My first day at school And that was in the late 's
  19. Cracking pup Moll, and I couldn't have thought of a better name!!! All the best with her!!!
  20. After digging around it turns out I know the guy that died really well, been out with him on a number of occasions, he is a very big character in Bradford and will be missed!!! RIP Martin
  21. Know alot of the Subaru boys in Bradford, shocked when I seen this! RIP
  22. Nell


    Looks like an old mongrel you get walking around the local counsil estate to me!!! Grow up boys and smell reality there is no such thing as a Tumbler, it is just a name tagged to a rough haired lurcher in the hope that it will sell better!! Tumbler - you really need to find some local lads to go out with to gain a little knowledge before you go buying a dog, stick to the one you have got to see if it's really for you, before going and buying a pup, for the dogs sake!
  23. Up 'ere near me I haven't seen a touch of it for over 2 years now, although on a few of my lamping spots a little further afield there have been one or 2, but no great numbers.
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