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About Nell

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    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 09/07/1983

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  1. Anyone in and around Kent that could do with an extra pair of hands and terrier for anything from bushing to ratting?? I have finally moved to Kent from Yorkshire with my work and where I had plenty of permission for work for the dogs up there, I'm just starting trying to obtain a bit down here - PM me if anyone can offer anything, even if its an hour here and there until my own permission seeking starts to pay off?
  2. Tally Ho - No the parents are not just pets. Rhodri - The Black and Tan pup has gone, I only have a black dog left
  3. That is a pic of the dam, she is 5. The sire is a chocolate nuttall dog. Hopefully the pups will be half as good as the pair of them. I'm keeping the bitch, 3 others have been sold to good working homes, just 1 dog left now.
  4. Thought I'd share a few pics of the pups I bred, Mother is my lakey cross patt, father is a chocolate Nuttall, pups are coming on really well! Pics are of pups at 5 weeks, the 2 black ones at 8 weeks and 11 weeks also a pic of my bitch.
  5. Nell

    my own fault ??

    Tracy, you ask in your post "is it my fault?" The answer to this is probably yes as you should really be asserting your authority a little better where these dogs are concerned, but no one can really criticize you for your dogs fighting. However what will definately be your fault is a repeat of what has just happened, you say that the dogs will never meet again, your trying to say that for the next however many years they are alive that they will never get to each other? Why run the risk? Why go through all of that trouble? I would be looking for a new home for one of the whippets and the
  6. As annoying to the spaniel as it may be just now the biting will stop, this is just the youthful exuberance of the pup, he will grow out of it in time, you could try and distract his attention elsewhere when out walking. All the best with the pup when you do start him.
  7. Where abouts in Bradford you from? PM me if you prefer. Do you not know anyone local that can point you in the right direction?
  8. I'll be serious with you i know a bit and i get advice from friends i have bred other dogs but have only been working lurchers a while and there not like other dogs. i look after my dogs and feed them well!!! i did also think it through before i decided to breed her. What is the forums for if you cant get other peoples opinions on the experiences they have had with their dogs??????????? And less of the mate ye clown!!! The meat tubes fom LIDL wont be doing her any good, there will be more water in them than meat, give her a varied diet as Whin suggests.
  9. A pal of mine has two BeddyxGrey/Whippet's, that he has work along side the terriers bushing, and they know their job inside out, it's an absolute pleasure to watch them work. I just lost one of the best dogs I have seen work cover with terriers, always in the right place at the right time, rarely missed old red slinking out, like you say a pleasure to watch, just need to raise another like him now.
  10. If you work cover with terriers on a regular basis then a terrier that yaps is a must! Anything mute would be rendered useless, for this particular job anyway . My 2 will wimper when on a fresh scent then scream when in sight of something. It pays to have a lurcher which is experienced working with terriers
  11. Some nice little dogs on here, this is one of my old dogs, 3/4 Whippet 1/4 Greyhound. He was very useful with the rabbits but also had 1 or 2 hares in his time, a very determined dog indeed. This pic was taken when he was 5 after a very good morning coursing
  12. It depends on what you want to do with the dog, lamp or daytime (or both), either way for me it is too young to start it on anything at 6 months old, the dog is not developed enough, in both mind and body. Sure you will hear tales of dogs starting early etc. but for me the simple question is why rush? If you want to lamp the dog then by the time we reach the end of Summer both the rabbits and the dog will be the perfect age, the dog will have matured a little more and the rabbits will still be green to the lamp, pick a good windy night and you wont go far wrong. They'll be squatting for fu
  13. Thanks, my mate is realy into his guns and has suggested one or two but wanted to get a more broader view. I am also left handed so where would be the best place to buy from in your opinion?
  14. Just for the record, showing and selling is not my main interest, money couldn't be further down my priority list for these pups, Thanks for the input though...
  15. let them go to people you know and you dont get any hassle mate.ive got litter on the way and wont pay any vets bills because they will be staying here or going to people i can trust.hope you get sorted out . Thanks Mouse
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