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Everything posted by ilovedogsthatbite

  1. yeah that'll do it. the standard connections are total s*it.
  2. Alright all i'm Andrew and i'm 33 i've got 3 kids. i live in the south tyne valley with my girlfriend and my 2 staffs. I've been shooting since i was 7 mostly with air rifles. i'm into all forms of hunting and get out with DnN as often as possible with his lurcher.
  3. capheaton terrier me thinks but its hard to tell from the picture.
  4. i would put them in the fridge mate and they should be fine.
  5. stick in there mate i know exactly what you're going through. i can't donate at the mo cos i'm out of work/money but i will when i can. my heart goes out to both of you.
  6. theres a way to tweak every air rifle mate
  7. air arms diablo field mate they're good for everything.
  8. i bloody wish mate but i'm at work at 4.30am grr
  9. haha what a belter i'd swap my lass for an air rifle that did the job at 150 yards!
  10. nice fish alimac did it feel good to be back in tynedale?
  11. abouy £70 off blackpool air rifles but its money well spent. i put one in my xocet xs and its like a different gun.
  12. if i was you i'd keep the hw and spend £70 on a gas ram for it. they make a proper difference. that said its always nice to buy a new rifle.
  13. hw45 all the way mate they're a quality piece of kit.
  14. a mate of mine just paid £150 for a hw90 its in mint condition though.
  15. i've got a rat snake i have to say its not the most exciting pet though.
  16. yeah thats right enough ooty they can get wormy off rabbit.
  17. i gave my bull pups rabbit from a young start and they did really well on that.
  18. bloody hell mate he's a different dog compared to what how fu**er had him. well done mate.
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