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Everything posted by VOON

  1. A working terrier is a terrier that does the work you require of it, you define the type of work it does, and they perform it, horses for courses.................
  2. a lot of terrier breeders in ireland would have crossed english bull into terriers to spice it up, and they preferred it to staff crosses, seem it to add more fire and cuter dogs to hunt as well
  3. I don't know about the lurchers, but the trials were not a good test of a sounder (baying terrier) Terriers were given certificates at trials that we knew the same dogs were useless in the country. For the strong dogs, Some shores were so big that a sheepdog could get up them. They never had the complex nature or corners that a natural earth had. At best they were a minimum test that a dog had technique. i.e strength,silence,drive. But the real test of strong dogs was in the pit. This required a different type of strong dog. I heard of a good staff that had proven himself where i
  4. I don't know about the lurchers, but the trials were not a good test of a sounder (baying terrier) Terriers were given certificates at trials that we knew the same dogs were useless in the country. For the strong dogs, Some shores were so big that a sheepdog could get up them. They never had the complex nature or corners that a natural earth had. At best they were a minimum test that a dog had technique. i.e strength,silence,drive. But the real test of strong dogs was in the pit. This required a different type of strong dog. I heard of a good staff that had proven himself where i
  5. I don't know about the lurchers, but the trials were not a good test of a sounder (baying terrier) Terriers were given certificates at trials that we knew the same dogs were useless in the country. For the strong dogs, Some shores were so big that a sheepdog could get up them. They never had the complex nature or corners that a natural earth had. At best they were a minimum test that a dog had technique. i.e strength,silence,drive. But the real test of strong dogs was in the pit. This required a different type of strong dog. I heard of a good staff that had proven himself where i
  6. if someone knocked at my door for a dog i bought in good faith, the guy would be going out the drive way in a wheelbarrow. I'm only a weed.......but if a lad did turn after a couple days saying he had rights etc........he could head back and get my money off the lad he gave to in the first place....i didnt act the bo...x with him...it was his mate...but if it was a few months later and i was attached he wouldnt be getting him back...its nothing to do wit over bought the dog.
  7. Just on another note, if i bought a dog in good faith (Not Stolen), and the original breeder who bred it and gifted it, came looking for it, he wouldnt be getting it unless he had the money i paid for it, and if i had the dog long enough to get attached, he wouldnt get getting it back anyhows, if he was supposed to get a pup back, he could have one, no probs, and i'd ask his advice alrite because he should have more knowledge of line than me, but he wouldn't have the final say either. Voon
  8. first of all i would put my hand on my heart and say i never was gifted a terrier in my life, second thing i would say is i would never except a terrier as a gift with restrictions. i think if someone puts restrictions there automatically putting them selfs on a little pedestal, thinking they have some kind of supreme knowledge over the guy thats gifted the terrier. i think every one starting in the terrier game have there own right to breed there own dog or bitch as they see fit, that in years to come they can look back and say i produced a nice strain or line of working terriers. Over the ye
  9. So how to know you have quality then?? Whats the standard a dog or bitch has to reach, before their deemed worthy of breeding? Voon
  10. From what I've read seems to be type most lads go for after a little time in the game...most of us get sense after a while... most of us get sense after a while and what?start keeping things with no heart,things that get moved about,things that look nice,things that cant stay .a real worker needs a real hardness about it just to get the job done,and most importantly make it look easy.at the end of the day if more people had seen proper dogs they wouldnt put up with second rate . "most of us get sense after a while and what?start keeping things with no heart"..... Nope start keeping
  11. I'd give him around 6-10 digs depending on the difficulties encountered, if they get plenty of hardship leave of for 3 months or so and only work small game Voon
  12. From what I've read seems to be type most lads go for after a little time in the game...most of us get sense after a while... most of us get sense after a while and what?start keeping things with no heart,things that get moved about,things that look nice,things that cant stay .a real worker needs a real hardness about it just to get the job done,and most importantly make it look easy.at the end of the day if more people had seen proper dogs they wouldnt put up with second rate . "most of us get sense after a while and what?start keeping things with no heart"..... Nope start keeping
  13. From what I've read seems to be type most lads go for after a little time in the game...most of us get sense after a while...
  14. Good info, its hard to know what traits are passed down along Bitch or Dog lines, My brother in law had a good family of Pats that came out of England in the eighties. Great drive and hunting ability, but the bitches always came small 10 inches and very slim, these would get pushed about a good bit but produced good stock if you crossed a bigger type of dog (usually hard type which hadnt got very good noses over the ground or kinda lacking games sense a lot of which were around my neck of the woods back then). He has a small bitch at present id say 9 or 10 inches and the next time she comes in
  15. Busterdog, IMO most people go wrong by not following a FAMILY of dogs,............that's probaly the point i was trying to get across (Badly).....Lads say best to best etc....but if you have a line or family of terriers that are good steady dogs and you want to improve the line, what qualities do you look for in a Stud dog or bitch to improve the line. E.G. Greyhound breeder with a good 525 bitch,just lacking a little pace out of the traps, looks for a fast breaker, maybe a 475 dog to improve early pace and hopefully get that world beater. With terrier breeding, What traits do you t
  16. So how do you improve the line then? Know lots of lads that put mute dogs that can't really find over good bitchs, just to get a bit more fire in the pups. One man's meat is another man's poison, horses for courses etc, so with that in mind what is a 100% dog, or if you want to breed to better a line what qualities/traits do you want to improve? Not being smart buster, just looking for feedback of anyone with a view...personally we would always look for a stronger dog workwise, with mixed results. Voon
  17. Define Best To Best........... read an interesting post on a different website over the weekend about breeding from dogs that were not out and out fliers... Think of the following breedings Breeding 1 Bitch :Bayer, Stayer, Good Finder X Dog :Mute, Stayer, Poor Finder Would you breed to improve bitch line and improve finding ability of the dog? Breeding 2 Bitch: Bayer, Stayer, Good Finder X Dog : Mute, Stay most of the time, Poor finder Breed to improve Staying/finding ability of dog?? Breeding 3 Bitch : Bayer, 30 mins bitch, Good Finder X Dog : Bayer,
  18. http://www.independent.ie/national-news/village-terrorised-by-terminotter-2622875.html?start=5
  19. Anyone ever see a Pitbull hunt cover? seen a few that were demons in cover break a ditch up like a hymac. If you can keep the size down dont see antin different tween pitbull/staff/EBT. Voon.
  20. Nice looking bitch as well...... Best of luck with the sale lad. Voon.
  21. I'm also convinced that a lot of lads are swopping between the uk and ireland. Especially now with this credit crunch, if a lad drops 5 terriers over to ireland be worth 500 hundred to him 500 to the lad who buys them. easy money to them. Voon.
  22. Donny, Best of luck in working out the fault, Good to hear that some else gets trials and tribulations, and their dogs dont start out world beaters. Fair Play Voon.
  23. Donny, Grand type of russell, look better in my yard though. Voon.
  24. Yeah Gud Aul Show, Met a lot of older bucks at it too. Thought the black had the beating of the lurcher (No disrepect to lurcher owner if he's on here), but thought the hound might take her. Nice to see a few glens there too. Anyone ever been to the one in Caim? Any good? Voon. One
  25. Brilliant Hypothesis (Think thats the word) :notworthy:
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