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Everything posted by VOON

  1. Surely not, I personally think try and correct the most obvious faults with each breeding, and work from there.
  2. Ha.....no wonder you hide your face behind that ugly helmet......your right life is too short...... Seen grown men wreck pubs and themselves over pigeons.....not easy.... pigeon men ffs I seen one fella launch a toulet clock out the clubhouse window....hide not me my mugs been on here and people on here that know err well know me U must be photogenic then, I'm just ugly so no photo's....
  3. She breeds working Australian cattle dogs and her family bred American game dogs
  4. http://www.bulldogtools.co.uk/products/gardening/forks/standard/digging-fork/
  5. Just to clarify, I didn't write that excerpt, but it basically correlates to what I've heard and learnt. Smasher, I took the reading of breeding the lesser dog, to be a dog still doing his stuff, just not to the standard of the better dog...sometimes ace performers do not produce as good as themselves whereas average performers bred to produce, breed better progeny than themselves. This should be the goal when breeding...do I need to better nose, staying ability, working ability, size etc and try to improve a couple of things each time you breed....as me mammy always said, you can't ma
  6. Ha.....no wonder you hide your face behind that ugly helmet......your right life is too short...... Seen grown men wreck pubs and themselves over pigeons.....not easy....
  7. Posted on another forum. E. Katie Gammill, AKC Judge, TheDogPlace.org Exhibition Editor - August 2009 Do you count your litters or do your litters count? Are you a “dog breeder” or a “breeder of dogs”? What is your ratio of producing dogs that finish? After buying a national winning bitch, a breeder wonders why the bitch fails to produce quality offspring. She doesn’t understand her bitch is not the only ingredient in her recipe for success. Throwing time and money away, she blames the bitch. In all actuality; it is her lack of knowledge regarding her breeding program that is at
  8. Just noticed, there's a few books on kindle at a cheapish price
  9. Vaccadyne udder ointment for cows or chenunction...
  10. The world of the working terrier by David Harcombe....good read
  11. Just thinking, Bert sounded quite the character, you would buy a pup of someone like that for the craic, and the education you'd get. Same with gouldy. Met Nuttal at Tangergee circa 1989 and he was a gent as well.
  12. 5 dogs and 20 brood bitches ?,would we all be having a fit if this advert was on this site nowadays ?I put this post on over a week ago and no one replied. A lad in the classifieds is selling pups from his hunt terriers and is getting crucified for it. i think that says more about the terrier scene today to be fair. and the WWW. everything is black or white on here no shades of grey. if folk hav'nt got there nose in someones business they have it up someones arse lol. f**k all wrong with selling well bred well reared working stock. , the best stock came from working lads selling NUTTAL CH
  13. VOON


    Sorry for your loss, D. I hope everything works out for you from now on.
  14. VOON


    You in the rspca?
  15. Dry Cow tubes for dairy cows have the antibiotics in them
  16. Darcy, Is your avatar meant to be like that? It's very freaky......
  17. we can go on and on about peddlers Bryan you know Bert didn't make a name for himself by selling shit! Cleanspade good post,, I think that Bryan, in fairness, made the comment tongue in cheek and would hold similiar views to you.
  18. . What a silly post Glynn. Complete and utter bollox! Good working bitch= possible good brood bitch, what you look to line her with is a top class stud Top class open stud = Prepotent sire who passes on his working traits and stamps his type on his progeny...should be used to increase the quality of the breed as a whole....you cant breed of them when there dead. If Bert was able to work terriers 6 days a week
  19. I would disagree that some parts of the world would have better workers than Britain and Ireland, and I'll explain why I think so ?In recent years a lot of so called terrier men have made small fortunes sending terriers to certain parts of the world that would just not be entertained here in Ireland and Britain by those who NEED a good worker. Some of these terriers have gone on to make big names for themselves and their owners and of course folk start sending back to their breeder for pups. I kid you not, but here in Ireland a few years ago there were pups being sold for 100 to 300 euro and
  20. Who said that, all i see in add is third cross rambo bred (3x), which would be correct? No
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