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Everything posted by VOON

  1. http://www.msd-animal-health.ie/Binaries/SA-12-21_-_Myxo_RHD_6pg_Detail_Aid_FINAL_tcm102-136686.pdf
  2. I thought you couldn't cross pet rabbits and wild rabbits??? Or doe you just mean tame wild rabbits? I think you can buddy......we've done it before, many, many years ago. My uncle used to call them 'net busters' due to their size Don't know I thought I read it in a Plummer book that pet rabbits were a type of hare, a farmer was actually telling me yesterday his brother had released pet rabbits and now there's black and white and orange rabbits up there. I thought he was telling porkies. We'll have to ferret the net busters so. ??
  3. I thought you couldn't cross pet rabbits and wild rabbits??? Or doe you just mean tame wild rabbits?
  4. He showed good heart there, and a good chin, copped a few heavy clatters of Dillan. Bad technique, swinging arm punches against a heavy hitter, but he showed game even though he was blowing hard. He's worked hard on his weaknesses. He will be a force???
  5. http://youtu.be/iifQBvbzaqQ
  6. Likes his fishing apparently, wonder if he posts in the fishing section on here Maybe he'll be at the comp WHO??RONNIE f***ing PICKERING DON'T YOU KNOW WHO HE IS?? Everyone knows who he is now, google him Lord jayus, he's in every paper going, betcha someone sparks him the next night he goes down the pub???
  7. Likes his fishing apparently, wonder if he posts in the fishing section on here Maybe he'll be at the comp WHO?? RONNIE f***ing PICKERING DON'T YOU KNOW WHO HE IS?? Everyone knows who he is now, google him Lord jayus, he's in every paper going, betcha someone sparks him the next night he goes down the pub
  8. Lucky for you! Do you know who i am? Jason bond...... :) Close enough... Haha, Ronnie better be careful, his address is on the net now?
  9. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/weird-news/who-is-ronnie-pickering-hull-man-filmed-in-youtube-road-rage-video-finds-unexpected-viral-fame-a6669921.html Yorkshire terrier, yuck.....
  10. Lucky for you! Do you know who i am? Jason bond......:)
  11. That's not a dig at anyone, I stuck in some emoji, but the won't post of the iPad.
  12. Creative people on this thread, ye should go into marketing
  13. Terrible mistake for England not to kick for the posts........
  14. Flamin Nora, crusty called it, got to give plaudits for that. It's imperative that Tyson keeps busy and keeps the fitness levels up. Inactivity is a killer for a big man.
  15. No foundation to the story at all, link dissident republicans to it as they don't sue. The pictures are taken from Facebook, so be warned, I've seen those pictures used in other stories. Anyone buy the sun?
  16. It's only if the DPP appeals the sentence in Ireland and normally it's a different judge presiding over it.
  17. You can't do everything for them, lad. You could blame the parents but maybe you didn't hear the full story, but little acts of mercy would have meant a lot in bleak times, probably kept her going for a while.
  18. I'd rather bung a wino a few quid than line the pockets of admin staff in a charity. A lot of these people suffer trauma in their childhood, sometimes you see them and think I was one of lucky ones. Kicking your own flesh and blood out on the streets just because the fall pregnant, and you want to keep up appearances, grotesque, you wouldn't do it too a collie bitch.
  19. I think the man in your profile pic, fought his war so " foreigners wouldn't get a good booting", and that you had the freedom to lie around in the street if you were "phished" yea he fought a war for our freedom, but I bet he's turning in his grave at what gb has become. Most of the beggars choose to beg as they are so lazy they don't want to go get work . Especially the foreigners. Then make your choice and don't give to them, at least you have the choice, the same as they have. Talking about booting people just because there beggars and foreign, it's not good, just breeds hatred and cont
  20. I think the man in your profile pic, fought his war so " foreigners wouldn't get a good booting", and that you had the freedom to lie around in the street if you were "phished" Isn't it against the law to lie around in the street pissed What's your point? Are you a policeman? have you ever broken a law? is it illegal to carry a jacknife? Is it illegal to " boot a foreigner" who is illegally " laying phished or high"? is it illegal to be phished without laying on the ground? Are you trying to be a smartass?
  21. I think the man in your profile pic, fought his war so " foreigners wouldn't get a good booting", and that you had the freedom to lie around in the street if you were "phished"
  22. Cut the liver open, if it's fluke you will see holes in the liver and fluke near the bile duct. It looks more like tapeworm cysts or maybe coccidiosis.
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