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Everything posted by VOON

  1. Frampton classier, but I'd be hoping his last fight was just a bad night at the office, or else Quigg could quite easily bowl him over.
  2. Did anyone ever vaccinate wild rabbits against myxi and rhd, and then release them?
  3. I think Joshua mangles him.....
  4. Joshua vs Martin on for April? Deal imminent?
  5. It's a great bit of kit, you can definitely spot out to 250 yards, and i think the spot on it is ideal for running rabbits.
  6. What are you smoking Nowt, was talking to a lad in Dublin, he filled me in on some details before they were on the news, then said it was a English crew.I don't know if he was filling me on the ex MI5 agent bit If it's comes out in the news, that's he's right, I'll have to reevaluate our friendship. Mad craic though. Its all about drugs and an internal fighting google the crumlin drimnagh fued and the kinahan cartel and you will get the gist of it. Your mate is full of shit whatever he smoking Probably on the craic with them??
  7. What are you smoking Nowt, was talking to a lad in Dublin, he filled me in on some details before they were on the news, then said it was a English crew. I don't know if he was filling me on the ex MI5 agent bit??? If it's comes out in the news, that's he's right, I'll have to reevaluate our friendship. Mad craic though.
  8. Any truth in the rumour that is was an English killing crew run by an ex MI5 agent.
  9. Why would the home nations be jealous of England?
  10. VOON

    Amir Khan

    If Khan can stay upright and fight on the outside, I think he can sneak a win, but it's a big if. Canelo a bit strong for him. Hearn was right Khan is ducking Brook??
  11. Was he not in the cuckoo house?
  12. I would put Ireland as favourites. But with O'Connell gone they are a talisman short, and speaking of short, Rory Best is an able replacement. Ireland produce some cracking hookers. TC Best man, Rory.
  13. Truther,- if your questioning something i have said, please elaborate, as i made sure i checked everything. Who is being had ? and in what way. No mate, nothing to do with you, and i'm leaving it at that, Awhhh, Lad, you can't do that, spill.......my imagination is running away with me....Conspiracy Theories running wild....
  14. Good might buy the trousers then next payday. Were you hunting cover? How did you fare on briars?
  15. I went to the midland 2 years ago, great for shopping, gundogs, Hawks and things you wouldn't see in Ireland. The terrier and Lurcher section was not so hot though, pushed away into a corner. The Welsh was a great weekend, but it's been 5 or 6 years since I was there.
  16. Have a look at pre-fight press conferences, then look at the actual fight. Spot the difference.
  17. Is that a savage of a Glen in the right of the picture?
  18. A lot of lads down our way are blaming poor pheasant numbers on the Buzzard? You'd hardly see a few pheasants pecking now, whereas one time you'd see a couple in most fields along the road.
  19. It's also a good tool to help with dogs that have developed problems and are now on the dog dealing circuit. And if it helps an animal get a forever home and stops people from exploiting them, great. I've seen lots of pet owners chastise animals unfairly and vigorously with no e-collar, the only difference is you can do it at distance with a e-collar, which can help sort out the problem quickly.
  20. Where does the UK export goods and services to the most? Will the UK have to put tariffs on goods and sevices coming in? Will export taxes be put on UK services? I don't know, but there's a lot of nuances to consider. One sure thing is there will be some waffle spouted. I think your financial services will be in trouble and that could swing the undecided.
  21. What are the benefits to Britian for voting no to staying in.?
  22. Here's an email back from the eBay seller with the remaining sizes and colours. Have they gone bust? Can't go on the website? For convenience, here is the table of different sizes remaining: Small 30: waist size 30-35" (75cm - 86cm) / 30 length of the legs (75cm) -> available in green and blue Small 32: waist size 30-35" (75cm - 86cm) / 32 length of the legs (80cm) -> available in blue Médium 30: waist size 32-36 " (80cm - 90cm) / 30 length of the legs (75cm) -> available in blue XLarge 30: waist size 35-40 " (87cm - 100cm) / 30 length of the legs (75cm) -> availa
  23. I e-mailed the eBay seller, he said that you have to order a size up in a 32 as they are small fitting.
  24. Did anyone get a good field test of the gear?
  25. Not pictures but a video.
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