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Everything posted by VOON

  1. Vip is working for me...Selby going well now.
  2. I'd say Klitchko comes looking to land the big right, he can't be as tame in the rematch as he was in the first fight. Fury sparks him then in round 7.
  3. So do the buzzards take pheasant chicks?
  4. He does say in other video's it's a problem dog sent to him and he does train the owners, we're probably not seeing the whole picture but I think the RSPCA being involved and investigating him is a bit over the top, in terms of a response.
  5. http://www.discoverireland.ie/Activities-Adventure/tipperary-heritage-way/8579 Done that one. Nice walk. Tipp is nice loads of mountain walks if you want. Click on the link.
  6. I'm presuming this is one of the video's in question, I don't see a whole lot wrong with it.
  7. VOON


    Jayus, ur awful hard on the aul Paddy....she got a grand aul welcome when she visited. Most Irish people wouldn't have a problem with the Queen per se, it's just that some of royal emblems and Queens imagery was used in a propaganda war, so it would leave a little bad taste in some people's mouth, but we're getting over it now.
  8. It's a class thing, only posh people have cats as pets....poor people and hunters have dog's.....
  9. I won"t be partaking in this institutionalised racism towards Dogs. There's no chipping for Cat's or Goldfish, one law for one none for the other.....actually why is there no chipping for Cats?
  10. VOON

    Wagyu Steak

    Best sandwiche filler ever, pigs head is quare nice slow cooked.....unreal...
  11. Tell you one thing, YouTube is a seious tool....
  12. http://www.osmonds.co.uk/cattle-section/vaccadyne.html Good enough for cows teats......
  13. What about watching Iplayer on a IPad?
  14. Hi Albert, Excuse my ignorance, I received the tickets for the shows a few weeks ago. Many thanks for taking the time to send them on. Hoping the weather is good and the crowds come to your shows this year. Thank you.
  15. If you use ivomec cattle injection at a strength of 1%, the dosage would be 1mill per 100lb or 1/10ml per 10lb. Inject at 14 days to break the life cycle. Don't keep dosing every 2 weeks because it has a cumalative effect over a short period of time. Dosage for sarcoptic mange is 300 mg per kilo.
  16. Ireland is a net contributor to the EU, we pay in about 500 million over the last couple of years We are also paying back 60 billion, which kept the banking system of the Europe afloat. England pays in 12 billion to the EU, gets back 6 billion. It's actually a small price to pay for the amount of banking business goes through London.
  17. How do you fund Eire with your taxes?
  18. VOON

    Kodi Box

    Downloaded it today seems good with no buffering.
  19. Good pics man, but change the avatar, it's wrecking my hunting life experience???
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