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Everything posted by VOON

  1. It happened in Ireland, when the answer didn't suit the "powers that be".
  2. I'd like it to go 6 or 7 rounds with plenty of ring movement and use of the jab from Aj, a bit like Lewis after he got knocked out, it would do him the world of good for Wilder, cos I reckon Wilder would move away from him, like he did with Stiverne.
  3. What's the craic with the free vote on Hunting now? Will Boris or whoever wins the leadership battle allow it?Would Farage support hunting? Nothing to do with allowing it...we will get a vote only if they know we can win. Now might be a time to put pressure on your Tory mp's, tell Boris or whoever to "support traditional British pursuits" now that Ye will be leaving Europe, Farage too....Get on the rise of the little England gravy train.
  4. What's the craic with the free vote on Hunting now? Will Boris or whoever wins the leadership battle allow it? Would Farage support hunting?
  5. Supply and demand. Am I wrong in saying the demand for milk does not meet the supply in this country? Farmers working at a loss does nothing to balance this. Voting for subsidies to support an industry that the market says should be reduced due to lack of demand is damaging, it devalues every producer and costs the tax payer. I'd gladly pay double or triple for milk, but that won't happen in a free market while farmers cling to an industry that simply doesn't have the demand for the product I'm afraid. I'll support legislation that keeps cattle welfare high and as such the industry as it i
  6. Supply and demand. Am I wrong in saying the demand for milk does not meet the supply in a this country? Farmers working at a loss does nothing to balance this. Voting for subsidies to support an industry that the market says should be reduced due to lack of demand is damaging, it devalues every producer and costs the tax payer. I'd gladly pay double or triple for milk, but that won't happen in a free market while farmers cling to an industry that simply doesn't have the demand for the product I'm afraid. I'll support legislation that keeps cattle welfare high and as such the industry as it
  7. Going to see them next month in Dublin.
  8. Proper offer that for someone. I hope you are still on the forum when I'm looking for my next lurcher. It would certainly be an experience. As said above £1200 to import is peanuts to what I had in mind. What were you thinking of doing?
  9. Don't take it to serious Max, said "tongue in cheek" for a bit of banter.....
  10. "This is Europe" Thought ye was looking to leave???. In fairness though, easy targets, better off turning the other cheek and taking one for the team.
  11. Udder cream for cow's.......top class
  12. What's it like compared to the one I got off ya?
  13. say again?4 shipping containers and building a bungalow on them,????what would you put in to see that kind of thing
  14. VOON

    Euros 2016

    Winners England Surprise team England Biggest Flops England Top goal scorer Rashford All the above will probably be totally wrong
  15. there was a travelling family that used to camp up near us every summer, kept Irish terrier/whippets similiar to this in type. Hardy little dogs.
  16. VOON


    My lad uses it, maybe better using creative than something else...........there all taking protein etc....might be better to use creatine than to look at something harder.....
  17. There's a margin of error built in to the speedometer of a car, the 37 mph you would have seen on the clock would have probably been 32-34 mph in reality, a lot of doubting Thomases on here.
  18. VOON

    West Ham

    Be squeaky bum time if Everton score....
  19. VOON

    West Ham

    Has the makings of a good ole tussle......
  20. I reckon it's winter where he is.....
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