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Everything posted by VOON

  1. I won’t support Trump in any shape or form….his words, actions that I have seen and heard over a number of years at caucuses, conventions and unedited tapes he has made by is at the time favourite tv station have contributed to that decision…..delfect and deride all you want we will continue to have self determination.
  2. Ok…change of policy…..don’t lock him up….stall all cases against him till after the election?. Mr Ryan is one of us….a proud Irish nationalist…. Trump is the only Republican who will lose to Biden in 2024, Paul Ryan says WWW.CNBC.COM "I think we beat Biden for sure if we nominate a Republican not named Trump," Ryan said on CNBC's "Squawk Box."
  3. No idea, first I heard of it…..
  4. Nothing to do with what I said in any shape or form…..Trump is a paedohiles b*****d….simple… his own actions words have convicted him……I seen them I heard them….change a narrative, deflect away…..BTWIrish people have been Nationalists for 100’s of years….we have our own identity for the last 100 years after 800 years of World government who put us in concentration camps, starved us….shot us…raped us…burned us to death….deported…exterminated….tortured….persecuted us…..so we know all about tricks….like the one the Tories tried to pull when trying to shove through the Brexit deal….still causing
  5. They would have nothing on Trump and he would be away scot free, scotty, pun intended…..if he closed his big ignorant mouth…..loose lips sinks ships……as Irish people who suffered 800’s years of colonial oppression, we have an inherent dislike of big mouths, abusers, bullies and that’s what Trump is….he’s a paedophile’s b*****d, with his golden showers in Russia….partying with Epstein….walking up to women and grabbing them by the pussy……cos famous people can do that….wanting Hillary locked up for emails….chanting about security clearance’s…..whilst discussing top secret nuclear plans with unve
  6. Prosecutors are prepared to hit Trump and his allies with new charges, sources say WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Prosecutors could bring between 30 to 45 additional criminal charges against the former president in the coming weeks, The Independent has learned
  7. Flying fit lad…….do a 200 on the bike Sunday….that will test my mutant vaccine heart…..
  8. Whataboutry…. Gaslighting and projection….a leaf out of the Donald playbook…Bakerboy….
  9. They’ve got better with the last few tunes….
  10. Don’t get the Iplayer over so no slimmy for me…..
  11. GnR’s giving the Ukraine big support at Glasto …..
  12. No too much of a lash back, but if they got near Moscow…..different ballgame and Wagner knows it….
  13. I reckon he’s been promised all the ammo and shit he wanted….Putin told him he has it…never get it I reckon….now Putin has to kill them……I’m not on tiktock, but the young wan showed me some tiktocks of demands they were making….he wouldn’t have stopped unless he got assurances…mmmm trust Putin….naw… be some Rasputin shit going down now….
  14. It will play out over the next few weeks…Putin hangs them all or he’s a goner…. It’s going to get real interesting out there…. Nuke capability……CIA and the rest of the sleuths be in overdrive….plot thickens
  15. Putin paid him the money owed in Gold, or at least told him he was….. more off a story to be told here …….
  16. Iceland staff in Ireland, laid off without pay…..staged a sit in….getting paid next week with some holiday pay……because not ready for Brexit paperwork
  17. No it doesn’t…it’s a summary discussion document at a health symposium….it would be one of the first methods of information gathering. Not validated or supported…it’s recorded in the database for posterity and Dr John conveniently changes what the document says to suit his narrative. Look at what he stated and what the document actually says….he’s a doctor he knows better… he’s a liar and a grifter…..5 lies in the first minute….
  18. It’s not a official WHO document like Dr John stated. It’s a supplement from the Multiple Sclerosis Journal Vol 28 supplement 3…. It’s uploaded to the WHO DATABASE, which Dr John quite clearly shows at 2.22 mins into the video. It’s a working document from a conference, not a WHO official paper as stated and the good Dr John is quite clearly lying here as he knows this…..him being a doctor and all….. I typed the address into the database and can find it using safari I ain’t got duck duck go…and I’m just a tatie eating gibshite from Oireland
  19. He stated it’s a WHO official paper when it’s not….said it was released last week in his video it’s released in 2022…made out it’s only available in duck duck go, and would be taken down, when’s it’s available on all search engines….deliberately misquoted the paper to make the narrative suit his agenda……lying by omission….as he repeatedly asserts he’s a doctor and a health professional….so tactics like that are deliberately engineered to make him more money….he knows better than that…a liar and a grifter…..
  20. The document is not what he stated it was…..First lie…,so he’s a liar as well as a grifter….
  21. 5 complete Lies in the opening minute…..Pure Bull Scutter coming out of his mouth.
  22. He’s fecked Sunak on the way out.
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