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Jim Grant

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Everything posted by Jim Grant

  1. Well done Lass. You don't need any advice from me in growing veg, however if you were asking ..................... See you sunday.
  2. Sorry missed a bit on the post. There are a number of gundog.working dog classes as well as the L&T classes in the open show.
  3. As well as the standard Button Mushroom you can get a number of mushroom that you grow in logs. Look in any of the good seedsmen on the net and you will see them. My favourite catalogue has a page of them, all from the Scottish Highlands, I am fairly sure they are in Silver Birch Logs. All mushrooms you can eat. I grow Shitake, tree oyster and ordinary Oyster in an old square straw bale. You have got to remember to water the bloody things or they die (quicker that other plants). Thre you go enjoy.
  4. I use the fire bowl and the water bowl from ProQ smokers in my home made smoker. The smoker started life as a four drawer filing cabinet. Take out the drawers and take off the fronts. Cut of the top and bottom dividers from the carcase. MIG weld two fronts and one divider together, same for the others. Get six hinges, three per door, predrill the new doors and the side of the carcase. Get a couple of those swing cabinet door latches, predrill to suit. Use self tappers and you have a two door smoker. I use an old Habatchi BBQ thing with the fire plate above it for the sawdust/chippings.
  5. A colour photograph would have been nice. Was it a strong lilac or muted colour. Was the ring a colour or could it have been from where the cap was attached to the stem prior to opening. Mind you even if you could answer these questions I cannot see anything in my book which it might be. However someone with more knowledge might be able to help.
  6. Don't know and neither will anybody else, you will just have to turn up and find out.
  7. Den. The West Lothian Boys are onto the racing., don't make any rash promises (cheating B...S). See you there after Kirk next Sunday.
  8. The total prize money put up by TCW was £3,000, two firsts of £1,000, and whatever for seconds and thirds. I don't mind the pound or two some Hunt shows give out and a bag of food. Above that and you get into all sorts of crap about bent judges and showponies.
  9. The showing starts at midday, thats whats on the site. For directions look up Hopetoun House on the net, South Queensferry, EH30 9SL.
  10. Sorry Lass. Didn't think you would mind. Tinny of cold cider I owe you.
  11. For those of you who cannot read maps the Sat Nav postcode is TD7 5AX. The championship starts at 1.00pm, followed by the Open Lurcher and Terrier Show. Usually a bit of straight racing after. Contact Den on 01450 373 229
  12. Hairyface. Yours avatar is allmost as good as your wee dug.
  13. Mattydski. If you don't know it , don't eat it. There are lots of "Fungi Identification" walks or whatever somewhere near you. I went on one a couple of years ago and was reminded of how much I had forgotten. I now feel much happier about not eating fungi I cannot identify.
  14. I am told that there are full Terrier & Lurcher shows on both Sat & sun. Different judges each day. Sim Coursing, straight racing and hurdles each day, get there for 9.00.
  15. I was trying to get some poles for nets I have inherited. Thought of those Poles for horse electrics. Into the Local farm supply to see what they had. The guy serving shouted out one of the guys from the back. Local rabbit catcher part-time. The advice was use the replacement poles for Electric sheep netting. Come in 3 sizes 65cm, 90cm and 120cm. 90cm retail at £1. +VAT(£2.12). Ask you local farm supplies shop. PS did I buy the right length at 90CM, they can be cut and the top re-slotted.
  16. Scottishlass If you cut them off with a decent bit of the vine attached you can hang them up indoors, they should mature quite nicely, If they don't then make some Green Tom Chutney; check on the other side for some decent recipes. Bigredbusa. If you have plenty of red toms then make some Passata, rough blended toms with added herbs or whatever. Pop them into boiling water to split the skin, drop into cold water, remove the skin, drop into the blender and give it a quick whirl (only a quick one). Add Herbs, garlic or whatever you fancy. Into sterile jars and you have a great base fo
  17. Full Terrier and Lurcher classes, 3 Whippet classes plus Bull x class. West Coast Whippet Championship. Ferret show 14 classes. 16 dog straight racing stake from 11.30. Show starts at 1.30 Contact 01900 816 306
  18. From what I have read over the past couple of months I wonder if the Event Organisers will learn anything on what they should publish on their web sites. Perhaps it is the Club or whatever that actually organise the judges and set up the bits and pieces that make up a good show. Or is it both of them? There are plenty of queries being asked as to what is going to happen and which day or days. I thought that this was the age of communication.
  19. Just like to add one more thing, keep the Chicken shit dry and keep the dogs out of the allotments.
  20. Hi CM I have gardened in raised beds for many a year, very versatile they are. There is a product "Gypsum" which is used to break up heavy clay (your stuff). It is widely available, check to net. Lots of luck, that should keep you fit over the winter.
  21. Hi CM First thing you will have to try and get some sort of crop rotation. If you plant the same crop in the same place every year you just get a build-up of pests etc., Runner Beans might be the exception. Raised beds make it a bit easier to do that. A four crop rotation would be Potatoes, followed by root crops, followed by Legumes (peas & Beans), followed by your Brassicas. As regards fertiliser here is the old standard: Potatoes Heavy manure, no Lime. Roots nothing (if you muck them they will fork). Legumes light manure light lime. Brassicas moderate manure heavy lime. N
  22. Spiderfly. I rather think you have miss-posted this one. Try the Running dog etc. Don't have a recipe for Cocker. Must read up on chinese cooking!
  23. Gin. I will have to come down and give a couple of trophies to Ron. Give me a cup of coffee when I get there.
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