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Jim Grant

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Everything posted by Jim Grant

  1. Neat software, Not a trace visible.
  2. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall "The River Cottage Cookbook" as a useful chapter on free food. Nice sections on meat and veg too. Check him up on the web for other books he wrote.
  3. If you made a note of the things in season then you are probably 90% of the way there, add in the vermin and probably 95%. Go onto the DEFRA web site and look for the Counrtyside and willife protection acts. , that will fill in the other 5%.
  4. In the past most of the sporting estates would release some of the exotic species around the Big House. Reeves was a favourite in Fife. Made a dent in the pocket money if you shot one, the hens were cheaper than the cocks, but you had to a pretty dippit sort to shoot a cock. Most of the exotic species are pretty territorial although I never remembered the Reeves being aggressive.
  5. Sauer. I'll keep looking at Lidl, get their stuff through the door each week. I tend to cold-smoke Venison for a number of days before I hot-smoke it. Being a Scot I have not tried Haggis with it. Spent a bit of time on the web this afternoon chasing mincers, both electric and manual. Looks like it will be a manual one. For what I want it for, and being a Scot, the half decent electric one are way too dear. Tried Argos, nothing.
  6. Lidl only seem to get things like that once and thats it. I've been on the Sausagemaking site and where are a few, hand mincers £30 & £40, big electric one much the same as the one I had for £300 - £450. I don't know why I hate going onto EBay, but I do.
  7. OK. Someone's going to ask. What the hell are beef curtains. Traditional Scottish thing is "Potted Hied", made from sheeps heads. Leave on the cheeks and every second tongue. Some butchers still make them. Nobody has mentioned tripes, done with onions and white sauce they are not bad.
  8. Up here in the Scottish Borders permission is not too difficult to find if you stick to your immediate area. If it is shooting country get to know the keepers, and remember to say that you are a member of WHATEVER and you have insurance in place. Everybody is paranoid about being sued.
  9. Johnny1609. Will do and blame it on you. Weetan. Get round to the local welders and ask him for an old MIG wire reel.
  10. Birkychrissie. If you can get a young rabbit then take it off the bone. Dust with flour, dip in beaten egg, coat in seasoned breadcrumbs and fry in butter (medium heat).
  11. Didn't know you could get salmon off Swansea Docks. Thre are a couple of cheaper ones in the net, ProQ and Brinkman, both £200 ro less. Garethstroud. Does that one have an electric heater in the smoke box?
  12. Used to have some soay here, as you say an old Scottish Islands breed. No bloody use around the place, used to swim the river and fight the dog that was sent over to bring them back. Glad when they went into the freezer.
  13. Gin. Thank you for that, there shouild be a PM in one of you boxes.
  14. Someone must know someone or something..
  15. There is some talk of having a Lurcher racing club or whatever in the Lothians in Scotland. I am trying to source a couple of machines, one for straight racing and another for Simulated coursing. If anyone has a contact who manufactures them, converts them from other bits of kit, or even has some plans for making them could you let me know, please.
  16. Dug up all of my Rhubarb a couple of years ago. Best thing I ever did. Plenty of crap apples to make a pie filling from. I stew Gooseberries for my brekkie-bix. The wild berries are a fortnight or so from being ready, the thornless berries in the fruit garden have taken on the bit of colour and might be ready before them. Too much rain over the last wee bit and the mushrooms are now B******d.
  17. CJW. Wish I could bake. Your recipe asks for meat to be minced. Where do you get a mincing machine that is less than £350 + VAT? I used to have a second hand from a butcher who had packed up. Perhaps I should have put a new motor into it. 20/20 hindsight.
  18. JBSwf. You waste all of that good meat just to get a bit of dripping for Yorkshire Puds. Are you an imigrant to Scotland. Buy your dripping from the local butcher.
  19. That should mess up the Lurcherworld Lurcher Championships. Did they manage to hold anything yesterday for the Terriers?
  20. Thunderbelly and Matt. Having gone through the temp control thing and the adjustments reuired to hold temps where they are required I decided that I would give it a real blast to really season the thing, kept it going for several hours with plenry chips being chucked on, totally gummed up the tumble-drier flue. Cannot control the vent in it now. That's into the bin and another type of flue will be pop-rivetted on as soon as I get a spare moment or two.
  21. I have worked and trialed retrievers, spanials and setter/pointers. Many years ago I hasten to add. All three are are required to do very differant jobs both on the field and in trials. I have heard the comments on a non-hunting retriever. Most retrievers are expected to be able to mark birds down and take a straight line to the drop and retrieve it back to hand. Spaniels are expected to work tight and not to miss any cover, drop to shot and if asked to retrieve in a straight line and bring back to hand. Both types are expected not to mouth the game or the grip it too hard. I must sa
  22. Thunderbelly. I find that the briquettes have a slower burn than the lump. I thought of buying one of those 3 section ProQ's (thicker steel one) but there is something about building your own. Plus if you have a shop bought one then there is no excuse for making a pig's ear of it. If I am cold smoking I can just manage to keep the temp down to around right at the top. Hot smoking which I only do to finish off certain fish it can manage around the 170 on the bottom rack.
  23. Sloes, Damsons and Crab Apples will be hard to find up here. Frost killed off nearly all of the blossom. Plenty Brambles but very few ripe as yet, will need a couple of weeks. Still have a few apples ready so guess it will have to be some A&B pie.
  24. I forgot to add that there two variable vents in the bottom and a smoke vent on top. The top vent is one of those balanced flues for a tumble drier. I will dig out the old camera when I get a moment and see if I can post them. It will give a good cold smoke at the top. Just make sure that the fuel briquettes have a good covering of ash. There are no sections, I didn't put in a smoke spreader. The habatchi is one of those small BBQ things, the top is about 10" square and has a multiple adjustment for height above the fire. An old steel tray with some wet dust, and get it just smoul
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