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Everything posted by Tuzo

  1. Not sure exactly how long the Ficam lasts blackdog22 but it does say on the packaging to give a good shake up if the mixture has been left to settle. The Ficam W is used mixed with water hence the W......you can also get Ficam D which is used in dry powder form. Its good stuff.
  2. Cheers.....seems to work now.
  3. Does it have a fan in it ? If it does, then as Donny says it wants to run at 37.5 but of its still air (no fan) then it needs to run at 39.5
  4. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-Nickel-Plated-Belt-Ring-5-Market-stall-Display-hoop-/370622994314?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item564ada178a
  5. I know two lots that have came in from Germany recently. Some blacks and splash. Keep your ear to the ground, some may become available. If I hear of any I will drop you a line.
  6. Not a lot about and even less decent ones.
  7. Nicky do you mean duckwing or dorking ? On is a colour/marking and the other a breed ?
  8. I love being away in the van, its certainly popular round these parts. Three caravan sales have opened up within 5 miles from me. I am booked on different sites every fortnight for the next couple of months but a lot of sites I rand were fully booked. Just got back yesterday from another site at Whitby that was also full.
  9. Feed them only wheat, an aerosol cap full per 3 birds.
  10. Could be myco due to the stress of moving ?
  11. I dont think its anything new Baw, same old same old.
  12. I am near Middlesbrough. Hi greypate 2012, tell your Dad I am still using the van.
  13. Got this vehicle for sale, its a SWB 2.7 in green and silver. It has over 10 months MOT but only 1 months tax left. Obviously a few age related marks etc but at £1000 I reckon its a bargain for someone. Only problem is it cant go for another week to ten days as I am using it to pull my caravan on holiday. If anyone would like to view before then please feel free to drop me a message. Oh by the way, it has done 97,000 miles and has service history up to 85,000. The price is the price.........strictly no offers. Located in Cleveland.
  14. I am a firm believer that wealth shouldnt be measured in pound notes.................
  15. No.......if it did it wouldnt be £100 .......but it does come with auto turn cradle.
  16. Got a couple for sale whippet 99.....check my ads.
  17. Due to upgrading I have a couple of incubators for sale, I have a Brinsea Polyhatch and a Brinsea Octagon 20DX with auto turning cradle. Both incs are in good working order........wanting £100 each.
  18. I am not saying its ok to use the broiler mash for chicks but what I can say is a friend has access to a steady supply of layers pellets/meal and he feeds his birds nothing but, from day one till the day they die. Admittedly they are not game birds but they do turn out very well as adults.
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