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Everything posted by Tuzo

  1. Col, your an awful fella...............
  2. What colour you looking for ? Pm me...
  3. Tuzo


    Wise old saying................Kennel three and bury one
  4. 2moz = tomorrow...............text talk, be careful..
  5. No longer available Jsp
  6. you never heard of halloween close your photobucket ye numpty you beat me to it MP.........Chid surely you dont want folk putting pics up for you mate, seems a nice boy
  7. So who took the photos? lol the tree i had it on a 10second time thing bare with them mate, some people dont read whats in front of them good on ya for getting out there thanks mate im off out 2moz as a guest doing that long netting what you like doing i let every one know how we get on 2moz Hope you have a good day out mate, its all good fun. There will be days when you prefer your own company on a day out ferreting. Let us know how you get on......... Is there no-one close by this lad that can help him out with a day or two's ferreting.....? Come on g
  8. Well i guess walking Mack.............. a little bird told me the head gasket had gone, mind you i cant remember if they said the landy's or Marks
  9. Have you got any dirty pictures of your lass ? I could sort you some out if you haven't............
  10. I don't believe a word of it mate..............
  11. Tuzo


    Is that a Prada phone on the table WILF................ Lovely pup by the way, a cracking litter for sure.
  12. Like the look of the 3 puppies in the second pic......................
  13. Good going, steady progress.
  14. Tuzo


    If your using a car battery you'll need a power inverter if you use household bulbs. Inverters on ebay start from about 6 quid so not an expensive job. I use them on my allotment. Proper job, you can have your radio on too whilst your down there.
  15. An enjoyable time no doubt SP.............its a place i'd love to visit. Maybe when i'm rich. Used to work with a lad who was 1/2 Maori, he said the place was unbelievable.
  16. Tuzo

    hangover food

    Maynards Wine Gums.............best hangover cure ever.
  17. Tuzo


    Just saw him cut the top of a fella's head off............
  18. Tuzo


    Notice any similarities in the people who've left feedback ? There handles all contain names....... They also have no feedback......... SCAM...............
  19. Tuzo


    What did i tell ya..........
  20. Tuzo


    1 - 1 ........... should be a good 20 mins now
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